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Felkesste's Icons
Long time, no seeeeee.

This is a tiny fairy collection. Itty-bitty base skins, with an assortment of wings, hairs, and clothes. This is like a 'starter pack', I guess you could say, I've been sitting on a lot of it for quite some time. Being so small, and so gosh darn simple, it's really easy to make new clothes, and only very slightly harder to make hair, or wings for the bases, so I figure posting this starter pack- if it catches any kind of attention- will allow others to make clothes, or hairstyles of their own for the itty-bitty fairies.

I initially started making this stuff because there was some baseless gossip of a fairy race at the time- (mind you, I haven't looked to see if there actually IS a fairy race or not, so maybe in the time since I was last on, that gossip proved true, I'unno!), but after piecing this little pack together, I can't help but feel like this might work better as a 'premium pet', like some kind of custom partner/pet. An NPC you can design, and carry around with you as an item. Someone you can double-click, and interact with, choose a personality for out of like four or five options of attitudes/personas, earn affection points for, for perks like getting gifts of materials from, or buffs in the form of fairy blessings, I'unno. It might be a bit silly if suddenly everyone had a pet/companion fairy, but I'm sure that lore-wise, it can be justified with a change on the market, or 'their kingdom went into debt', or they just found new jobs as adventurer's guides/guardians/whatever, through some prominent company. Designing your own NPC partners is something I feel like a lot of folks already did, with their summons, and such, so it wouldn't be too big a deal.

Outside of the wings and skins, I tried to make it all color-friendly, with a base black, but I'm not totally sure I did well on that.
This 'starter pack' includes 4 skin tones, (Light, Dark, Blue, and Singed), 7-ish hairstyles, 3 styles of wings, with a total of 15 icons for color variations, and 4 outfits, Sundress, Armor, Servant Uniform M, and Servant Uniform F.

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