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Evasioning Rising Evasion
If there was going to be a change to Evasion, then I agree it should be made available to everyone of all classes. I don't agree with a 50% reduction since that would be stacked along with Phys. defense and other flat reductions which would be overbearing.

I'd rather have it be a trait, and at the end of the evasion trait 'tree';
Agile feet > After image > Evasion (15% reduction at a hit-check chance)

Rogue's Evasion skill would increase the flat percent reduction by like 3% per rank (An extra 15% reduction total, half if not main class) and Boxer's Swaying skill would increase the flat percent reduction by like 7% per rank (An extra 35% total). The In-Fighter Gi would probably need a new effect, though.

Rogue keeps their 30%.
Swaying stays at 50%.
Everyone gets 15%.

*Edited to change numbers.
[Image: GQJ8dCS.png]
[Image: unknown.png]

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