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A Mass of Curates
Dev. Attacks have a set limit. They cost X amount of FP, they target Y amount of people, and they deal Z amount of damage. The Z variable is affected by 3-4 different things (Resistances, Damage Reduction, Def/Res, Armour). That variable can turn what is normally 200 damage, into a piddly 20-40 from anyone who puts a bit of def/res or uses resistance to any degree.

X is generally tied to Y. If it targets more people/has a bigger range, it usually costs more. Wretched Oil, for example, costs 40 FP to target the whole map. It does a decent amount of damage, and can poison if they are close. This would be slightly OP if not for the fact that it's a dual element attack. Meaning that resisting one (who are we kidding, everyone resists dark), will make it so that you lose a moment/can't double turn.

What Mass does is alter the entirety of the equation. X, Y, and Z2 (with healing instead of damage). Mass makes a spell cost +10. Which makes it X+10. However now, instead of being 1 person for Y... It now becomes up to however many people you can cram into the diamond (Hint; your entire team). And Z2 isn't affected by who all got the effect, or damage resistance, or any of that. It only cares if A) The person is intereferenced or B) The person is a vampire. That's literally it.

Mass makes the thing slightly more costly momentum/fp wise, but who cares at that point, considering the fact that you just saved upwards of 20+ momentum and 100+ FP? It wouldn't be as bad if Curates couldn't just pray-the-gay-away and raise the duration a number of times (from the 8+ rounds it has initially) whilst also buffing themself in the process.

Also, I wasn't suggesting 'exponential' (because 4x the cost to get 3 people, while more balanced and humorous than it is now, will kill the class). I was suggesting 1x > 2x > 3x > 4x , etc.

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