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Rany's Lowbie Corner: Goblin Giants
While you can typically get away with most early mobs if you invest some into Vit and another means of Defense we could probably adjust the formula for bosses under Level 30-35 (since by then you should be part-way into your new Promo Vocation and possibly have team mates either on-par with you or in end-game to help).

If we could get an idea of what the current formula is based on from Neus it'd help figuring out a way to adjust it for beginning lowbies to have more of a chance without getting a complete hand-out.

EDIT: Even if it's just something staggered like this (graph not to scale - it implies dropping the lower half of the spectrum by x amount of HP before hitting 30+):

[Image: b56856f378ac4f339ea75e336197d6ba.png]
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