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Time and Why it matters
I try to adhere to time whenever possible, even having gone as far as to wait an entire RL year before playing as the next generation (Before the age restriction was in place; now I'd have to wait longer unless I get approval) but there's times where I physically can't due to the following:

- I have no "older" picture to age my character into. No one buys a teenaged prettyboy being 40, for example. To use one of my characters for a moment, one's playby has two distinct incarnations: Age 11 and age 19. Been using age 19, for obvious reasons, and already had numerous people comment that they don't buy she's in her 20s. I understand, but what can I do about it besides just completely use a different playby? And I've looked, it's hard to find a playby with the right kind of hair/eyes, wearing a particular type of item, either not holding a weapon or holding the right kind, and, this is a big one, not wearing a schoolgirl uniform and/or being too revealing (sometimes both) because god damnit Japan. Point being, this character might need to stop aging very soon.

- I decide to unretire an older character whose Date of Birth has never been written down, and I forget when exactly they were last active in RP (The load screen does not help since it shows your last login, and I regularly check all my alts when someone needs something to unlock a class, etc.) Oops. Now what? I have two options. Extrapolate based on where they were previously at, or turn time back a bit and pick up where they left off.

- When dealing with hyperliterals who can't accept that characters have lives outside of the time they spend online and I need to re-enact things that ICly happened while I was offline, like cooking for the children, etc, just to appease these people (WHY DO THESE PEOPLE EXIST!?) This is especially frustrating when the character leaves for a time because they have a personal mission, and then they come back and someone OOCly raises a stink that they didn't act it out - despite it taking place on a continent we can't even access. So I need to stay online 24/7 just to roleplay sleeping so they don't collapse of exhaustion? And I need to set my alarm to go off every so often so I can roleplay being awake so they don't just sleep away entire weeks? I'm sorry, but if you're one of these people, kindly screw right off and find a new hobby.

TLDR: I understand completely why time is considered to be relative. Doesn't mean we shouldn't at least make an effort to be consistent.
*loud burp*

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