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Player Agency: In Airides defense.
1) yeah it only ever comes up when this happens, but its not just stuff like this, we only ever want balance changes when we something we don't like and react to it, we only post about something when it lights a spark in us.

2) that'd be nice in all but most people congregate in within the empire's land, almost all events are ran in houses in the empire, have you ever seen people just sitting in chaturanga?, people only use the onigan inn for erp.

The reason I reacted so violently and passionately is that for the most part I've never had any personal interaction with the guard, I don't play criminal like characters, I've never been jailed, I played a guard for like half a month but there was so much corruption back then I quit, so no I didn't have any first hand experiance with it.

and as far as the setting goes, I understand the world has magic, that puts it in a weird place, They are behind the modern world in some aspects, but equal or ahead in others. Its just in no point in human history have we simply had a black and white kill or prison system. Theres always been varied punishments, societal punishments, and reasons on how those punishments came to be

I don't find the empire just killing because it doesn't like to keep its problems around a good reasoning by itself, if there were good reasons they didn't bother with other types of punishments that'd be great to here, it'd make me much happier about the current situation.

Is there a reason the empire doesn't use force labor like other empires we've historically known about, do they have a workforce of undead enslaved below cellsvsch tiring endlessly?

Is there a reason why the empire wouldn't want to use Penal soldiers as the first wave to protect their more valiant and righteous soldiers, They could use an enslaved brigade of soldiers as a first combatant force to push back the snakemen of the argentyle for instance.

Its things like this, I like dev's lore, I like the game, I like the way its growing, but I feel that prison system/punishment system needs to grow more, become more fleshed out, You might see the current system as adequate, lenient, ect, I don't I see the current system as stagnant and simple.

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