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Player Agency: In Airides defense.
"catabur" Wrote:
"iStabOreos" Wrote:Yeah, tell me that whenever guards actually RP worth a damn in the Fort,

When someone asks? If you honestly expect guards to sit in an empty prison for the small chance that a prisoner actually gets online, you're expecting waaaay toooooo muuuuuuch (not to mention you'd just call us shit for not patrolling and "afking in the fort&quotWink. But if you're like, "Hey, can I get a guard to the fort?", someone would probably get on it. Depends on how busy everyone is in real life. With Tin dying, my infantryism, and mostly everyone hating being a guard.

No one ever asks or tells us anything and just goes to complain to their clique of friends. "I don't like that this guard this!!!" Why didn't you go tell a different guard? Why didn't you try to express your distaste for the guards that isn't just saying "all the guards are shit and suck at their job" when they're not around, but immediately shut up as soon as one turns up?

Why do you choose to be silent until your character is being punished for IC actions?

Anything else would've been better than trying to shittalk behind the guard's back and just continuing to be a dumbass by not listening.

I've tried this, and I've spoken to Trex about this in local ooc when I had to get a guard escort in order to go OOC (yes this is a thing). Before I get to the main reason I'll say this, even if I had tried to ask a guard to do jail RP, would you really think any of you would with the 'multiple' RP sessions you have? Honestly, I don't think so because people would rather not do that and AFK in the arena or RP in the arena, with others, rather than babysit.

And no, I give you shit for not patrolling in general up until recently, because literally you can run on the high-tails of the NPC meta all you want, it won't really go well, but fuck me right?
[Image: jBTJOXi.png]

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