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Player Agency: In Airides defense.
"Sawrock" Wrote:We were not aiming to kill you. We were aiming to capture you for the guards to take you into custody, as ICly my character (Lord Slamm) and his daughter (the Frosty-Winged Girl) have been trying to prove that there's a secret spatial menace, because our characters are conspiracy theorists. And despite us stopping to attempt to capture you when the guards showed up, we still got arrested ourselves, due to the inability to explain ourselves in a logical manner (since, y'know, our characters were crazy). However, what you did was IC as well- you tried to scare a character that was known to react bad to spatials, which is comparable to shooting fireworks next to a war vet.

Ultimately, Krono, you're just flailing to get out of a situation OOCly, when it should be treated ICly.

If Dev wants the full logs, I can provide such from my folder of logs. In any case, good thing I have the logs, because this thread makes me sick.

Allow me to retort this:

* I don't care about how it happened, because in the end, it really is dumb and it happened regardless, the same with the sticker incident. However, I will thank you for the logs because, yes, they were needed. I won't deny my involvement, because well for one the logs, and two the fact I'm not going to sit here and be 'that guy'. I'll properly explain myself below.

* when it should be treated ICly. Yeah, tell me that whenever guards actually RP worth a damn in the Fort, because out of just a few, including you and I, thank you for that mostly because no one is going to waltz into the Fort and RP unless they do the quick "GTFO" post and escort you out. That being said, your character, (gonna use Bloaden for this because that's the only reference I can make at the time.) deserved to get the axe if he's literally going around attacking and killing people over and over again, granted he was a nutjob, but the severity of his crimes dictated this, this is the same with fucking modern cases.

Now for the kicker, because this has been said many times and it'll be stated now.

The Guard/Jail System is Fucking Stupid.

Why do I say this? Well I already explained this briefly, but the fact almost anyone can get axe due to how many times someone's been thrown into jail and not by on I don't know their crimes itself is a problem, not sure how many people have pointed this out, because if that was the case then it would be a much better jailing system imo.

Now this is controversial for me to say it, but because I've seen it and gave my two cents on it already, I feel the need to here, why not? Most of the guards are shit. I don't drop any names, because that's purely rude, but there is a clear bias, I always bring up the Serphaia case when she in the middle of Cellsvich pulled out a weapon and attempted/almost decapitated Krono just for speaking his mind to two others when she was walking by. Of course a guard saw this and just gave the lass a finger wag and told them to separate that same guard was then chatting up with Serphaina(I know I'm butchering the name, and I apologize) like nothing happened. Now if this was any other character or rather the other way around Krono would have been the one to get arrested, and this was way before he burned down Vintaro's house due to a he-said-she-said IC bs. Am I not wrong on this? Because this is pretty bad.

I don't know if I got my point across, or if it was clear or not, but clearly if people are going to rage out on a forum like this for dumb shit, granted it's the shit I caused, then clearly a change needs to happen, and I can't be the only one who sees this.
[Image: jBTJOXi.png]

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