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Player Agency: In Airides defense.
Disclaimer: I just know someone will bring this up in an attempt to discredit my post, so I'll state it flat out: I've never gotten along especially well with Airide. We don't actively fight and I bear no ill will, but we certainly don't count one another as friends. This does not actively mean negative bias. What I DO have negative bias against is actually the guards themselves, for various reasons! My whole point is, you know you've gone and screwed up when I'm siding with the guards over someone.

On to the post:

Oh, look, another thread about "How dare I be punished for IC offenses!"

- Dev has stated numerous times that the laws clearly mirror typical RL laws with a degree of common sense? Making threats? Making people fearful of what tomorrow may bring, fearing for their lives and family? VERY, VERY ILLEGAL. A lot of arrogant people who twist "freedom" to suit their own ends claim that "freedom of speech" protects this - but it does not, nor does it protect hate speech, for the record. Freedom of speech is what allows you to express discontent with the government's choices without being jailed for it. Compare to the fact that "Freedom of the Press" does not allow libel, but simply allows journalists to report on the non-classified (Military/ Intelligence) facts that may ruffle feathers, like government scandals. The whole benefit of a "free" country is to be able to confidently live your life in safety without worrying about accidentally setting a toe into a politician's circle of influence and suffering for it, and to be able to not be falsely arrested without a warrant, etc. It's all common sense, and arguing that the laws weren't clearly defined is bullshit because you'd be imprisoned for this shit in real life, and clearly you know this since you're on SL2 and not in RL jail. So stop acting like that, because you're just making yourself look stupid, and doing so on purpose just to benefit you in this one specific case.

- Dev has also stated numerous times that guards are supposed to be stronger than players. How can they keep the peace if they can't apprehend anyone? The purpose of this is so that players can't just break the law with impunity and never pay for their crimes. This is similar to how in some countries, the police have helicopters to chase down dangerous suspects and higher-end cars that are technically "street legal" but will outspeed many cars on the road. TLDR, complaining that the Guard Captain is bullshit is the opposite of the issue; player guards are restricted by the limitations of the system and should be stronger in order to do their jobs.

- Why would the empire, which allows execution of criminals, waste resources on repeated long term incarceration when there's clearly no end to the arrests of one person? I mean really. Far better to just "cut their problems in half" and be done with it, as it were. Again. Common sense.

Ultimately, I don't need to say anything else. Walrus has covered most of it already. I'm just weighing to go "Maybe you should have thought of the CONSEQUENCES before BREAKING THE LAW." And I'll side against the criminals as many times as it takes. I was with the guards against Romek, and I'm against Krono now. End of story.
*loud burp*

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