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Player Agency: In Airides defense.
I remember at some point that Chaos said that "even the emperor is afraid of the guard captain" or something to that effect.

Likely not the emperor, but many key figures in lore.

Also, the guard captain is weak 500% or so to Darkness damage, it just so happens that being able to attack 4 times in a turn, field wide sniping capabilities, and humongous status resistance happen to overrate all of his weaknesses. Chaos has legitimately stated that, to kill the guard captain, would take a group of 4 people to even have a chance.

Seriously. I understand that you don't want the guard captain to be able to be dunked on easy. But if he's the one doing the arrest, or someone has to make it out of prison, logically, they have to make it past him. Generally, on their own.

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