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Player Agency: In Airides defense.
Quote:Airide -as Krono- Has committed many misdemeanors on his character, Never once has his character murdered, at his worst he committed one act of arson.

This is technically true. But he did attempt to several times. It should be mentioned that the act of arson was upon a house with three people inside; two adults and a baby, with the intent to kill them.

Quote:Airide doesn't wish for his character to be Killed off. Myself and others think this is a breach of player agency.

I disagree. The topic of killing characters is an extremely controversial one, yes, but there comes a time when one must look at things purely from an IC perspective, without being biased by whatever thoughts you hold OOCly. The scenario is fairly simple, really. Krono is a known criminal who has been in jail multiple times. He was given a warning that he would be executed if he was arrested again. Completely and utterly ICly, because the Empire is and will likely always be a place that ultimately favours execution rather than rehabilitation.

Yes. It does suck that he's losing a character he enjoys playing. Yes. It does suck that it had to be over something as utterly dumb as using a Mask of the Night Lord ICly. But IC is IC. And it should, ultimately, be respected. Anything else would be meta-gaming.

Quote:*Airide was force arrested against without the choice to flee the scene by two guard players, He wasn't defeated in combat or anything, he was just bullied into accepting a party invite to fort arjav, He had no idea chaos would then slate his character for execution.

Krono was asked to follow them to the fort. And he did so willingly. Again, ICly. He could have attempted to flee, if he had wanted to, but did not take the opportunity.
But I'd be more than happy to see evidence of this supposed bullying posted in this thread, because that certainly is not something that should be condoned of.

Quote:*Chaos cites and warning that krono would be considered for execution post march 2016 on ALL future violations, Airide cannot find proof of this warning anywhere.

That does not mean the warning was not issued. It was.

Quote:*Krono was arrested for using a donation item to spook some people who were meming pretty hard in IC.

A dumb situation. But whether or not the item in question was a donation or not is irrelevant. IC is IC.

Quote:*Chaos used a an old event that happened 10 IC years ago. an assassination attempt event he ran on the emperor as basis to punish people for using the monster mask donation item.

This is just flat out wrong. That event was created and run by Sawrock, before he was even appointed a GM, with the help of a helluva lot of normal players.

Quote:Airide should be allowed have his character stay alive, his character isn't an extremist murderer or revolutionary, just a punk that has committed quite a few misdemeanors over the OOC year. If you actually consider the amount of ic time that occured between his misdemeanors he isn't an actual heavy criminal considering an IC year happens about the same time frame as an IRL month.

Crimes are still crimes. And Krono's list is rather extensive.

Quote:I feel that the guards that arrested Airide were out of line in the god modding degree

I disagree. They performed inside the rules of how guards operate.

Quote:1b - Forcing death onto another person's character falls under the "no godmodding" rule. Only the person who's playing the character can ensure that the character is killed off.

should precede the GM's right to kill of criminals due to the fact that this is an extremely heated topic and the criminal in question never actually committed a crime that resulted in the direct loss of life.

I don't feel that the Setting or the empire is harsh is an excuse or reason for chaos to be in the right, due to the fact that this stance of the empire was created through chaos's direct control and influence over the guard system.

I disagree entirely. A GM is the rules, as stated by the very page you refer to.

Quote:1 - When it comes down to it, what Dev or the GMs say are the rules. Below are simply guidelines that will help you avoid trouble. Do not try to use this list of rules as an excuse for your behavior. (For instance, saying "But that wasn't in the rules!" will not get you out of trouble.)

A GM in general isn't there to make a bother out of the ordinary player's day. They're present to supervise and make decisions which ultimately was the case here. It shouldn't come as a surprise that Krono is getting executed after the warnings he's been given, nor should it come as a surprise that Chaos is simply doing his job and duty as a GM.

What has happened in this whole mess is a lot of OOC mixing in with IC, just like it did when Romek was getting axed. As I said previously, there comes a time when one must simply separate the two, regardless of how much you hate it OOCly. Is it unfair ICly, to Krono, the character? No. He broke the law enough times to warrant it.

Accept the consequences.

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