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Wtt armor of eyes for armor of eyes.

All the twinking rule does is force communism.

Need something? Better hope your friend got it. It's depressing to find a rare drop on the wrong character, as you're forced to let it rot or give it away.

The RNG nature of the game means there is no skill beyond grind speed to getting what you want. Restricting people from using potentially useful things for their alts just makes it far more complicated than it needs to be to get things.

See: I want a coral blessed magical sun. The character is not a smith or enchanter. I need a smith, then an enchanter, as if the smith cannot enchant it with the same character, I need to find a different player. And that's just for obtaining craftable items.

RNG spawned drops generally involve asking everyone you know, even if you've got 20 spares between your characters. If that comes up dry, you have to get your friends to drag the right character through dungeons while you pray it drops. Or make them grind themselves.

I've hated this rule since its conception, and I still can't see what benefits anyone might see in it, or why it should even be enforced. All it does is slow the building process down, and punishes anyone with more than one character.

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