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Halt criminal scum
Not sure how others ("others" being other Guard PCs) would feel about this being implemented but people get "stupid" to say the least when they can't see any would-be NPC guards around and often associate no risk factor along with this.

Personally, I would love to see this be a thing. Halfly to represent the ones who are -supposed- to be there ICly and halfly because it's highly annoying to get any immediate help from PCs due to IC constraints or --other-- reasons (but only for the option to be applicable in Non-Law's End Cities and the Arena naturally, probably to a delay or lesser amount in an area such as the forest outside of Cellsvich - which is arguable with how close Fort Arjav is to it).

I imagine it'd be set to a guard-only option, to prevent abuse ("Hey, let's spar with the guard force" doesn't sit well in my mind). Which I doubt would sit well in the regular playerbase, to have this as a restricted option.

Setting a player to "Wanted" would have its own benefits (seeing as how most forget you lose access to things when you bork with guards and love to run away at the speed of light from the area of conflict, which the latter half concerning running is something I've experienced from parties that -should- know better given their special roles in the game's involvement). Although I imagine this would be a more difficult mechanic to implement, it would be more-likely a godsend than the previous one I've mentioned.

Nevertheless, oddly enough I end up supporting the notion (to some extent).


Although I'd be up for just placing NPC Guards in-towns (finally) as an alternative or addition to the OP. Maybe give them a recruit option for said guards that spawn regardless of Mercenary settings that is temporary and resets when the person leaves the city/town itself (that would be the simplest method of incorporating this, I believe).

EDIT: Before anyone jumps me for "Omguh, leking gourd stuffs," Dev answered this Lore Question in the most recent August edition (so it should serve as no surprise):

"Neus" Wrote:
"Anonymous (changed from original post)" Wrote:I'm asking this one because I don't think anyone has before.

Does the mage's guild have some sort of identification system going? Whether it's based on magic or if they force hooded people to lower their hood before teleporting them, so say if they were a wanted criminal and were hooded.

For teleportation? They usually cooperate with the law of the location they are stationed in, and will keep an eye out and prevent people they've been made aware of as persons-of-interest from teleporting. This extends on a more universal level with people of special interest to the Mage's Guild, for example, known abusers, people who have wronged the Guild in some way, and so on. Otherwise, no.
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