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Regarding Romek Pt. 2
Just 185 more posts until this thread breaks the Funny Quotes post count... don't give up guys, you can do it!

On a more serious note, I've seen a lot of talk in this thread about SL2 is suffering because of this or that, but if that's true then it doesn't deserved to be lumped into a singular petition with something unrelated like punishing a player. I actually like some of what's written there. Cracking down on metagaming? Fantastic, but I think the GMs are trying there already. Either way, I can't sign a petition that includes punishing a player for a story with two sides that, conveniently, neither side seems to have logs for (messenger logs do not count).

Posting this probably makes me the biggest hypocrite here, because I've had a confrontation like this with Dev years ago and much like this one, he shot it down because I lacked adequate proof. Was I happy about it? Not at all. I thought it was a bad decision, but I also think it was the right and fair one. He's told the community numerous times that if you want him to listen to your accusation, provide proof. There is a log command, but nobody used it. There was an opportunity to show everyone a pure, unbiased log of what happened, and it was passed up. That is not Dev's fault. That responsibility lay with Egil, Sarah, and whoever else was there to witness it. Sarah actually less so, because Sarah is not the one who has a problem with what happened.

Dev, I was critical of you the first time something like this happened, but I have to appreciate your consistency. My post is probably completely unnecessary, but I thought I'd give it anyway since people are apparently still hung up on this.

Everyone else, this "incident" (if it even was one) didn't even involve you. Going on a witch hunt over a situation you don't understand and saying we should punish a player over the mere possibility, not fact, but possibility, that she might have done something that might warrant a ban, and bringing up all of these other issues SL2 may have as if you want her to shoulder the blame for all those too (getting people angry might be a good way to get them in the mood to sign a petition about something, but they're doing it for the wrong reasons), is exactly why your case is getting nowhere. If Dev banned everyone right now over the possibility that they may've broken a rule in the past 24 hours alone, the player count would be 0.

Also I got ninja'd.
[Image: 5a7229cbed.png]

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