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Regarding Romek
Greetings, I suppose that it's about high-time I give my own word upon this problem that's grown to be more than it was originally supposed to be. I can't say I'm good at large posts, but I will do my best.


Starting with how I wished Romek's death. This is true, I will not deny it. I wanted, and indeed want Romek to be dead. I have nothing wrong with Egil. However, I want to make this crucially clear. I did not make Remiel attack Romek knowing he would be arrested. I did not, in fact, make Remiel attack Romek because of my own apparent hatred towards him.

Remiel had her own agenda with him. She hates Romek with a passion, because of how he treated her and her friends. She is a person that holds grudges very easily, and her wrath is something that can easily be earned.

I did not know if the first fight was lethal or not. The shot to the head was not something that was described enough for me to understand whether it was actually lethal intent or not. I probably should have asked, but it was late at the time. This is the part where I made my first mistake. I had done the following 'wemote'.

"Sparking Lass kept her face covered, mist leaking through her fingers. The blood remained, but the injury seemed to mend."

Something close to that, anyway. I was told that wemoting such a thing was wrong, and I later agreed with it. That should not have been wemoted, and I was correctly warned because of that.

The second fight was after I healed using Hikari. (Using Remedia would restore FP) Remiel then asked him for a fight again, and she struck him with intent to harm him more than necessary, with her electricity to boot. She was not aiming to kill the man, but instead to harm him quite a bit. Perhaps even cripple him. Thus she would be arrested for this.

The third fight is awry, as it happened when both were basically down for the count. The third fight was non-consensual, unlike the other two. Remiel was weakened by the fights before hand, mostly in the Focus cycle. Romek won the third fight, and shot her even after she said "I Give". At this point, it was assault/battery.

After this happened, Rowen came in. Now, Psych and I were both in a call together. He was talking with Romek, and Psych called for back up, both in text and in the call. I decided to hop on my guard to help, just in case. My second strike, as I should not have done this at all, even with enough time between.

Upon the arrest, things began to get filled with drama. I don't remember a whole lot, and even with what I say, it's hard for me to state what did and didn't happen. Spoops has stated most of what is needed to the others. Egil has spoken to me personally, and while there might have been a chance for a compromise to be met, I highly doubt it would be possible for such a thing to happen now, as it's gotten out of simply /us/. Egil, Psych, Myself, Spoops, and the GMs. It's exploded into something else, which I do not want to partake in more than necessary.

In a final say, I just want to say that I did not make my OOC thoughts plague my IC actions. It was my OOC thoughts changing my OOC actions, ie. not wanting to omit it.

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