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Immobilize and it´s effects
Melee class skills that would be useful while immobilized
Martial artist Meditate,
-Monk: body of issesip, Kadouha, and Terra strike
-Verglas, Entire fox tree, Icepoint guard

Duelist Crystal rose, Cyclone spear
-Ghost Sanguine Star, Ghostwind, Haunting, Gravestone, Deathgaze, Reaper scythe, Wraithguard, Painproof.
-Kensei Hirazuki, Blade barrier, Reflect Shots.

Rogue Traps, trap detonator,
-Voidassassin Voidgates, detogate, advancing flow, blotch, and Fray
-Engineer Bots, gun skills
-Spellthief hahahahahah other than just having stolen blink, they can throw their dagger bomb after skipping.

Soldier Shinken, Roundtrip
-Black knight Hanging, Board Shaker Crescent Rook, Bright bishop, Forced move.
-Tactician probably brought allies/ranged options
-Demon Hunter Gun skills, matador/cobrastance for damage mitigation, Bellowing Stag.

see there is options, its just you probably didn't take them because there is NOTHING that could stop you from getting close and face stomping something

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