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Selachii Revision for GR
"Egil" Wrote:That's my point. There are plenty of ways to completely shut down people's builds, even by just being certain races. Do Vampires have to worry about Matadors at all? No? That's just about as bad as water absorb for a new race but I've yet to see any 'nerf Vampire dark resist' topics despite how many builds it invalidates.

Hyattrs have as much potential to shut down fire builds as vampires do to dark builds, both gain weaknesses for those huge resistances as well, well hopefully, Vampire still needs to have it's dark resistance and light weakness evened out, but that'll eventually happen, maybe.

Point being, I don't see a few points being brought up "It'll ruin incantation heavy builds" I dont see what one will do this, are you talking about the bloodied effect? Cause that's stopped by any source of healing, including health regen probably if it wasn't looked at first.

"It'll give the race a counter to gunners" Are you referring to rough skin here? Cause that'd only apply to melee attacks, and its not a fixed number like bellplate fang faced shield.

Nah honestly the rest of the racials sound completely okay to me, the only problem is just how strong absorb is, it doesn't just completely invalidate a damage source like Vampires or Hyattrs, nah it turns it around into a game changing negation and turnaround to who just happened to be a water-centric build vs this proposed race.

Honestly, with the right balance, I'm still all for this race, call it a shark bias cause I like sharks.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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