07-17-2016, 03:39 PM
Quote:So yeah. Just my two cents about the issues I see with your post. I know you said it's a rough draft and all, so I'm not knocking your efforts or motivations.
It's all good. I can see where you're coming from as well, and I definitely didn't realize that lichdom was something that cannot be forced. That's my bad.
Quote:As for GM intervention, mostly when a disagreement happens to IC circumstance, you'd call in a GM anyway. And I feel like most of the time this kind of thing gets away with it, it's because GMs aren't available at the time.
I find that, actually, a good chunk of the time, a GM is called and they allow the victim to negate any consequence from befalling their character solely because of this invisible rule of 'You can't force death on a character' laid out by Dev that has been interpreted to then also apply to less serious forms of consequence, regardless of how deserved these actions are.
Quote:TL;DR - "Roleplaying isn't a contest." Please communicate better with each other to avoid these disagreements, make your intent known beforehand and strike a fair deal for those involved.
If people can't be reasoned with, then that's when you call it off or if it's already happened, that's when GM intervention is required.
Unless the GMs intend on solving these disagreements instead of always siding with the victim, as has occurred in the past, then I am not confident that your solution will alleviate this issue, Sly.
Quote:Intent to kill must be expressed beforehand. If player A intends to kill player B and player B does not agree to a fight to the death (they forfeit their right to refuse if they've done any of the previous five things), then player B also cannot attempt force death on player A. Any of these rules can be made flexible with the prior consent of both parties, but without that consent you are where you are. If you've committed murder and the other person isn't giving prior agreement to your safety, you can't hide behind the "but it's my character" shield.
This is a viable solution to me, but I do not think it would be as readily enforceable as the draft I wrote up. That might just be me, though.
Quote:I'll re-iterate, a common sense rule is what -should- be in effect, though I don't know if that's doable anymore due to the playerbase rising.
If the status-quo doesn't work anymore, then we need change.
Quote:both sides agree that death is possible, the loser of the fight is sent to pinks funhouse to reset their character (they get to keep their items) then get a token that would level them back up to their former level when they leave.
I am not going to make a contract with every player for every individual interaction. That isn't efficient or reasonable.
"Take it for granted. I dare you."