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Disabling clean up of scars during Black Beasts attacks
As someone who does occasionally stop to repair mid-raid, I'd like to offer multiple counterpoints:

1) When fed, physical stamina recovers a bit per battle fought. Rather than just repairing EVERYTHING at the end and running out of stamina, getting a few repairs in mid-raid is far more efficient on an individual basis. (And considering how the vast majority of the time, I seem to be one of the only people fighting the beasts, anyone who shows up just to repair at the end gets no sympathy for the scars they've missed out on that I handled mid-raid)

2) Not every character is suited to beast combat. In fact, due to the combination of Dark Calling and Black Roar's strength boost, some builds are completely incapable of fending them off. Rather than join a party and slow everyone else's turns down, which actually WOULD hurt the count of total mobs defeated, (Not even joking, when solo with a party nearby, I always finish battles faster simply since it doesn't need to go through multiple players' turns) these people are NOT "taking away a huge amount of experience from people who are actually fighting" since people just show up to clean afterwards anyways, and they weren't capable of fighting anyways, so...?

3) Have you ever been around during a busy raid? I have. As in, scouring Dormeho top to bottom and not finding a single beast to fight since everyone else has them already engaged? May as well stop to repair something so your time isn't totally wasted.

Maybe just don't be a dick?
*loud burp*

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