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Youkai stat balancing
Its not enough, those stat boosts don't fix that the youkai die too fast to make themselves useful, increasing their stats with the affinities/encourage does not really help their meager VIT, my Kilkenny doesn't have enough FP to use more than 2 cats claws, my legume isn't tanky enough to stand around and be a nuiscance, my seiyruu doesn't really tank too much either, given that's his job. my 3 dragons don't do damage, my Izabe can't survive a single hit, let alone 2..there's several problems that come from them just having low stats in general, and the the FP costs are too high to maintain more than 3, why run summoner when you can do everything yourself but better for marginally less FP per turn?
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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