12-03-2014, 09:43 AM
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=142#p142' Wrote:Maikito » Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:54 am[/url]"]Does Hyoya have it's own language perhaps?
In terms of animals, is it okay to assume that the traditional real animals (Such as Cows, Horses, Sheep, Dogs, Cats, etc.) exist?
When Umbrals "Fade out" Is it akin to invisibility? or more so just. . . like a hazier image? And are they able to fade out at will at any time during the day or night?
(Reposted from Old Forums)
Of course.
I like to think of fading out to be like transparency. The further away you are, the more transparent they appear. This isn't possible during the day but depending on how dark it is during the night, yes.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=319#p319' Wrote:Jay » Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:07 am[/url]"]I still cannot understand the recent addition of Life Steal/Drain (or whatever you wish to call the trait). It seemed like it would be a lich casting a hex (to mechanically accommodate a horrible HP pool), but apparently vampires have this as well. It must not involve blood if glykins aren't immune and it doesn't harm the recipient.
So what/how exactly are vampires and liches performing for this?
If blood is irrelevant, then is it draining focus? If not, what?
Whatever it is, is it a form of feeding for a vampire?
Why is it that only vampires and liches can perform this?
It's a violent extraction of Focus from the target that is then applied as healing to the user. The nature of the extraction damages the target and steals their focus, almost as if it were ripped out. Since it isn't blood, vampires do not 'feed' this way (which is why they don't get any Blood meter for it).
Vampires and liches are the only ones who can perform it because it requires specific knowledge and isn't capable of being used by the living.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=328#p328' Wrote:RoboCat » Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:09 am[/url]"]1. Does Sigrogana have any extra moons or suns?
2. What is space like for Sigrogana? Is it the void?
3. How exactly does a person become the feral undead monsters that appear in dungeons.
4. Do the feral undead from dungeons still have their original soul?
5. Is it possible to extract the soul of a living thing in Sigorgana and put it in another body? If so, how exactly could that be done?
1) No.
2) There are lots of stars and some planet-like spheres in the distance.
3) By being cursed with Cladis Mortem Null.
4) No.
5) No.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=357#p357' Wrote:Jay » Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:43 pm[/url]"]A basic few questions that should have been answered.
Approximately when were the cities like Karaten, Chaturanga, Cellsvich, Dormeho, Lispool, Oniga and Tannis founded? I'm only curious about those dates. Someone is free to extend this if I'm missing locations.
Sometime shortly before Heaven's Contention, although they were not as developed or focused as they are now.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=421#p421' Wrote:Rendar » Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:58 pm[/url]"]What happens to a person that stays within the void to long? Do they turn into pure focus energy and dissipate into nothingness, therefore 'dying'?
If yes to that question, what happens to a lich that is in the void since they are kind of pure focus energy controlled by a person.
What are the effects of void poisoning, should one contract it, as a Lich?
We know very few things about magic in general. Do mages draw it from random elemental planes, or do they draw upon focus from the fa- I mean Void and shape it into magic?
Are there any ways to cut off ties to magic for someone? IE: That one spear thing from SL1 that cut off Mercala/Fire domains.
What the hell is a terrasque and why is it's shell everywhere, AND made out of ores?
1) No one knows.
2) Glowing blue lacerations along the vessel's body that appear as soon as the Lich is 'attached'. Portions of the arcane energy of the Lich may become discolored as well.
3) They use their own focus, change it into the form of the spell they are casting, and release it.
4) As long as you have the knowledge and focus, and no outside force interferes with the casting, you can use the magic.
5) A terrasque is a large serpent monster that lives under the ground. As it moves, its shell sheds, and eventually it finds its way to the surface.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=422#p422' Wrote:Sarah54321 » Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:21 pm[/url]"]Why are Oracles known to be corrupted. What corrupted them?
Because only humans become oracles. Probably the same thing that corrupted all of the Corrupted.
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=472#p472' Wrote:Someone » Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:09 pm[/url]"]Can you make vodka out of potatoes?
Do the other gods have followers? What sort of beliefs, tenets, etc, do they follow? (Especially interested in Nairyf/Nerif)
All of the gods are either dead or gone, with the exception of Mercala, whom I believe needs no introduction to her faith. The others, not so much; most of them just follow their legends or ideals, like the Zerans.