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Ice skate
It's very easy to form ice tiles, 2m itself combos into a lot of things but doesn't make it overwhelming, I don't really need to argue much further on it except for examples like Winged Serpent(which is still a problem) and crane hop, with 2m it means that ice skate will be able to combo into critical hits and verglas skills, anything else might be difficult to balance around.

Knockdown is one of the strongest status effects in the game, if not -the- strongest save for stun.

I'm mostly just saying this due to how easy it is to setup ice tiles, giving it 1m would only create problems I find, 2m allows it to be a niche pick that works in certain setups so that it's not overwhelming (See: Crane hop)

Giving it 2m cost still makes it strong enough to have in your build as a verglas, and lets be honest, if you're using verglas, you're probably using it for offensives(or ice theme), otherwise you'd use monk for the defensive capability it provides.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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