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Lupine Racial Passive
Alright, let's do a simple comparison between Lupine and Felidae (two that have always been rivals in mechanics in my mid):


-Golden Eyes: SAN*5 resistance to Blind, Immunity at 20 SN. -Greater- than (x>20) SAN also gives a SAN-20 bonus to Hit.
-Instinct (Lupine): Threshold One (50% HP or less) gives a bonus to STR, WIL, DEF and RES of 1+(0.1*SAN). Threshold Two (25% HP or less) gives a bonus to STR, WIL, DEF and RES of 2(1+(0.1*SAN)).


-Golden Eyes: SAN*5 resistance to Blind, Immunity at 20 SN. -Greater- than (x>20) SAN also gives a SAN-20 bonus to Hit.
-Instinct (Felidae): Threshold One (50% HP or less) gives a bonus to SKI, CEL, LUC and GUI of 1+(0.1*SAN). Threshold Two (25% HP or less) gives a bonus to SKI, CEL, LUC and GUI of 2(1+(0.1*SAN)).
-Fleetfoot: Felidae gain a Base +1 Move along with another +1 Move per 20 Scaled SAN.


What does this mean, Diz?

In short, Felidae get more-or-less the same type of Racials as Lupine and more. They get two unique Racials while Lupines get one (with Golden Eyes being present in -every- member of the Kaelensia) I would -love- to see the dogs get more love in general (I would like to say it's not because my golden star is one but admittedly it probably plays a small part in it) and another Racial Passive that's unique to them. Some ideas I had include:


Suggested Possible Racial Traits

-Wild Hunt: Lupines gain 1/4th of their Flanking bonus for attacking enemies head-on. At 50% HP or less, this effect is doubled to 1/2th of their Flanking bonus.

-Howl: Gives a % chance (.05*SAN?) to inflict either Fear or Hesitation (dependent on input) at a distance. The accuracy falls off after 4 squares, at 5% or 10% per square past this; the base chance can be no higher than 100% within the 4-square range -before- the accuracy fall-offs (meaning there is no way around this being 100% at greater than 4-squares).

-Wolf's Blood (EDITED): In a party the size of three or greater, Lupines gather a small boost to Hit, Evade and Critical hit (a flat 2% per party member?). This effect is doubled (to a max of 10%) if all party members are Lupine. (this one may still need to be messed with)

-Thick Hide/Thick Fur (please GOD NO): Gives natural elemental resistance to bother Fire and Ice (10%? - The Fire resistance is more-or-less a nod at Great Wolf Vs. Hyatt and can be chosen to be ignored).

NOTE: These are NOT fully-thought out and should only serve as -drafts- to discuss on prior to deciding on them. Only one is meant to become an actual thing. And to be honest, the last (Thick Fur) was more-or-less filler and I would DIE to see it implemented (PLEASE NO DEV).

EDIT: Small edit made.
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