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Main Storyline Quest System
A lot of people always seem to ask where to go next to advance the story. While it's not hard to stumble upon, it's certainly not the most easy to find, and I understand why some might get frustrated with looking.

So I figure, why not add some quests to guide people along? For example...

Missing Persons (oniganflower@l-net.grm)

"I noticed some fancy-looking people heading south towards ago, and they never game back. For my own peace of mind, could you make sure they're not dead?"

500 Experience
100 Murai.

^ Just an idea for how to guide people towards Ashe.

I'm thinking, these could be used to help guide people to the Phoenix Band and what happens after the second God Grave, without flat-out telling people "Do this to advance the story" and ruining part of the surprise.
*loud burp*

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