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Racial Equality
So, now that we're out of beta offically, I've taken a good look at all the races, and what their racials have been adjusted to (or in some cases--like Humans, not adjusted at all). To save time, I'm just going to point out racials/races I think have issues right now, I'll skip ones that I'm fine with.

TL;DR, Off the top of my head, as already stated in this thread, Humans and Mechanations are among the absolute worst off now in terms of how their racials stack up against others.

In the new system, a race's base stats carry a small amount of weight compared to their racials in making them unique. Their base stats will only even matter if you bump the stat in question by at least 45-50~ points to start hitting the soft cap. Thus the main focus here should either be to adjust the less powerful racials to being on par with the others.

One last note before I go on. The effects of SAN on racials tends to make it rather lopsided when a race recieves a racial that scales with it (positively). This can end up being extremely overbearing for a few cases (Golden Blood, Healer's Legacy), somewhere inbetween (Most Instincts), and circumstantial bonuses (Snakescale). None of these bar what would be considered overbearing are bad, and the 'somewhere inbetween' area is, in my opinion, where you'd want most racials to be as close to as possible. My point though is that SAN also has its own effect of raising resistances and HP/FP on top of boosting some racial effects--making it so that races that get further bonuses for bumping SAN a leg up on races that have no incentive to.

Without further ado, I'll start with Humans, since they're all just one big category--

They were already covered rather well in the thread I linked earlier, but, I'll throw my two cents here, too.

Profession: This is a questionable racial now, while it makes sense, the value of a trait point has diminshed in light of the loss of Lady Luck and Style Blending. Hell, the History trait isn't even as vital to a build anymore, it's just +3 stats, while before it could make a huge difference, hence why it was often picked immediately and as early as possible. I'm not sure what can be done with it to 'fix' it, and retain its purpose. It could possibly be changed to a bonus to certain stats based on their origin subtype (I.E. Bonus DEF for Chatarans, Bonus SAN for Lispoolians) based on level, or, alternatively, keeping closer to its original theme, raising the bonus a chosen History trait grants. Boring, but, it's something.

Quick to Master: More SP to work with on every class was always either okay or not useful at all. It honestly hasn't changed much since the major update recently, so, not much to say about its differences in effectiveness compared to before. Maybe they could recieve a flat +EXP% bonus to all EXP they earn, or just gain bonus APT with their level. Neither of these really make a Human stand out, but, well, they're supposed to be the normal-ist race. So I don't know if standing out is what Humans want to do, but I know not being awful in comparision is a goal everyone strives for.

As a whole I'd say they're perfectly fine, but...

Aerial Attacker: This is probably pretty minor, only complaint to be had in regards to any of the Kaels adjusted racials is Aerial Attacker, if only because it grants a Hit buff whilst having a racial that -already does that and scales with the same stat-. It could really afford to be docked to grant scaled SAN/2 instead.

A lot 'em realy want SAN, who'd have guessed. It varies from vital to existence to just being nice to have.

Healer's Legacy: I'm torn on this one, but, I really feel like as it stands, the bonus it recieves is just a tad overbearing given SAN is already bumping their HP/FP, and granting them elemental resistances, so now that extra HP they're healing is worth even more. Not a major issue but it can probably afford to get the /2 treatment.

Magia Detremus/Arcane Order: Both of these combined, and you have why a Lich is almost always going to want to pick up as much SAN as it can get. The former effectively boosts SAN's effect on HP/FP, while the latter is important for maintaing a Lich's crit immunity. While not overbearing, there's is a large difference to be seen between a Lich that opts out of SAN and one that has SAN. I suppose this could just be chalked up to intentional and left as is, but I don't like the idea of required stats for a race to function well. Unfortunately I don't have much of a better idea in mind to keep with the theme of the racials.

Sanguine Crest/Lunar Lunatism: These have both been the subject of long debates during the beta, and as a result the latter now holds the whopping 6 turn cooldown which makes it semi-balanced for the massive amount of things it does. Vampires have some of the most unique racials in the game, so it'll really only ever be a matter of keeping them in line with everything else...more than likely. Now, the issues I see are that Sanguine Crest is effectively just +10s in a multitude of stats, and Lunar Lunatism doesn't even cost the Vampire anything to do. My simple proposal here is, if it doesn't already, make LL actually -take- the 100 essence at the end of its duration, or at the start. This would give another source of spending essence, and make LL a bit more of a gamble than a free power-up button you can press every few rounds.

Honestly, I think all of 'em save maybe Papillion are fine as they are. The SAN scaling being negative for them is interesting. Only reason I don't say the same when it's in reverse is that here, you're not required to make an investment to get your racials at full power, and demanding a stat in this system can easily make or break a build, losing one isn't gonna hurt much.

Home of Glykin and friends. Formely Hyattr and friends.

Golden Blood: Easily one of the biggest offenders in terms of overbearing racials with the newest changes. SAN gives you more HP. SAN raises the HP% Golden Blood regenerates. This creates an issue where it's increasingly optimal to bump your SAN stat as high as you can afford to gain the maximum benefit (4%) that it can give you. Honestly, just cap it at 2%. Problem solved. Though I'll admit it could still yet be too early to tell if this is even as overbearing as it looks on paper, but Glykins were already amazing tanks for their 2% regen, now with them being able to attain well over 1,100 HP? Yeah I wouldn't miss them being able to regenerate an even higher percentage of that.

Fire Breath: Funny seeing it here again for the opposite reason. In times past (see: like a month ago) it was one of the most overbearing skills in the game, following its nerf, it was brought in line, and admittedly made pretty bad as a result of the double whammy to its cinders and base damage. Right now it's pretty close to find a happy medium, but...I think it could really afford to have higher damage than 30 + at most, around 55~. Scaled SAN * 2 would probably work to help fix this. The cinder damage seems fine enough, at least.

Mechanations aren't the only issue in here, and overall from my brief skimming and prior experience, I'd say aside from Humans, this is where the most problems are in terms of 'lack of uniqueness'.

Artificial Body/Mechanical Strength: A bog standard Resist/Weakness racial and some extra encumberance. The thread I linked in the beginning already goes into detail about Mechanations--but again I'll still give my opinion. With the resists getting lowered to 15%s and the weakness remaining 25%, they've lost their former edge on other racials, and with the rise of defenses as DRs, a resist is much less valuable than it once was, not to mention all those races that want SAN will get nearly as much fire/ice resist as a mech would, and guess what? Mechs have little reason to want SAN beyond its base functions.

So, here's my suggestion--in light of the past few month's lore questions, it's become increasingly apparent that Mechanation's ultimate goal in life is to be as human as possible. Of course, thsi doesn't hold any ties to gods really, so giving them something that scales with SAN just doesn't make sense. I don't know if APT would maybe make more sense for them (and perhaps Humans too) to have a racial scale with--but onto my point. The weakness/resists of Artifical Body could be decreased by SAN/APT. or perhaps even decreased/increased. Or Increased/increased like other racials. Either or, my point is that it could use some love akin to other racials like it, and it would make sense that the effects of it would decline as they drew closer to humanity, or increase in some way with improved craftsmanship. New traits could also work to help emphasize this.

As to Mechanical Strength, and, well, any other ways to make them stand out while keeping in line with the 'theme', this could be changed to be based on the Type of the Mechanation, which would then grant an APT or SAN scaling bonus (or whatever the hell stat makes sense, it could just be Character Level, but then it'd be fixed--). A few ideas I can pitch are--
(These would all be on top of +encumberance)
Agile: +Initative/Move/Evade based on X. Doesn't have to be just one or all three-this goes for the other three, too.
Standard: +BW/Magic Armor/Armor based on X.
Raid: +Initiative/Move/Hit based on X.
Cabal: +Magic Armor/Elemental Resist based on X.

Burden Soul/Soul Engine: Dullahans suffer from the same issues as Lichs do--they need SAN badly. Not -as- badly, but, they definitely function much better with it, given that Soul Engine will grant it -immunity- to the status effect that once hard-countered its very existence (Interference). As with Lich, though, I can't think of an alternative to requiring a Dullahan to operate with SAN to overcome their built in flaws. I'm just here pointing that out as an issue.

In closing, while having nifty features is great, the most important thing in my mind that a race's racials can't be replicated with ease by another race, or, worse yet, done objectively better. A race's racials are now all they really have to define what they are, aside from the tiny amount of difference their bases may make (at least mechanically). I know I didn't touch on all the races, or what people think are all the races that may have issues right now, but, I'm just speaking about the ones I can obviously see need addressing.

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