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Great Reckoning Discussion
"Rendar" Wrote:So. What you're saying is. Because someone is RPing their heavy armor with a weight of 30... as light armor, or even just normal clothes... you're going to metagame knowing that "WOW MY NORMAL PHYSICAL STRIKE PROBABLY WON'T WORK!" and instead just resort to spamming magical attacks without even testing physical attacks first?

That is literally the definition of metagaming.

This sort of example is just an argument for the system being beneficial. Metagaming goes both ways, people. If you're wearing heavy armor, then yes, you're wearing heavy armor. If you're a vampire, you're not a Felidae that can suck blood just because you have cat ears. You are a vampire. The fact that there has been no credibility for this stupidity up until now has made people overly comfortable with outright lying. Intentionally obscuring things that should be obvious to anyone who looks at you is metagaming as well. Not only that, but it's bad roleplaying. Your character is a person with an appearance, things they are wearing, things they are doing in battle, not a big grey blob of perfect concealment that only gives even the most painfully obvious details when they feel like it.

There is some leg-room for creativity, but it needs to be supported by logic, sense, and/or lore, not 'I just felt like roleplaying that I have a super impenetrable t-shirt instead'.

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