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Great Reckoning Update Notes
- Base physical and mental stamina changed to 50 + base VIT/WIL respectively.
- Ryeser no longer affects targets at 3 Momentum or less.
- Soul Chains's FP recovery prevention is now treated as if the target were Intefered, meaning Dullahans can resist it.
- Geldoren changed to -1 DEF/RES per Rank.
- Aerial Razor changed to -1 DEF/RES per Rank; status power no longer gets boosted.
- Shatter Beam changed to 1+1 per 12 Terrasque levels.
- Vamp Shell changed to half of High Power for its Overcharge effect.
- Noshka's Famine, Crippling Muysig, and Frailty of Credwa now reduce the stats they affect by 2 per Rank (instead of 4 per Rank).
- Install's Affinity statistical boosts are capped at +1 for non-Youkai.
- Sanguine Crest bonus changed to +1 to the appropriate stats per 20 Essence (from 15).
- Northern Wind bonus critical reduced slightly.
- Backstab bonus critical reduced to 2*Rank.
- Poise bonus critical reduced slightly.
- Fitting Form bonus critical reduced to 2*Rank.
- Wazabane bonus hit and critical reduced to 3*Rank.
- Keyshot bonus critical reduced to 5*Rank.
- BUG: Hellfire Uorate should now properly ignore all bonuses to RES (except APT).
- BUG: Blue Steal wasn't stealing FP even if successful.
- BUG: Lunar Lunatism wasn't granting immunity to Charm, Hesitation and Fear.
- BUG: Golden Glow was behaving incorrectly.
- BUG: Battle Weight baseline changes didn't take.
- BUG: Heaven Kick's Urawaza was centering on the wrong target.
- BUG: Bare Fists didn't have a critical multiplier.
- BUG: Superiority wasn't functioning properly.
- BUG: Shinken projectile wasn't using martial lawbroken weapons.
- BUG: Life Drain was being reduced by Stillness, Darkness.

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