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Expanding On Destiny
HO-kay, so I had some ideas... What if we also could have our BASE classes be fated too, but they ALSO gain abilities and such to boost them up to promotion levels... I had a couple rough draft ideas.

-Firzeed: Requires Rank 3 Explosion: Places a rune upon the ground that remains for five rounds (4 ticks) and emits magical fire in a five range circle around itself, damaging all enemies equal to WIL + a bonus based on rank. If the caster is under the effect of 'Nerhaven', each tick has a chance to inflict Burn with a LV based on Rank for 3 rounds (Runes cannot overlap the damage area of already placed runes, placing a rune overlapping the previous will dispell the initial rune.)

Rank 1: 4M WIL+2 48 FP Burn LV 10
Rank 2: WIL+4 51 FP Burn LV 15
Rank 3: WIL+6 54 FP Burn LV 20
Rank 4: WIL+8 57 Burn LV 25
Rank 5: WIL+10 60 FP Burn LV 30

-Flash Freeze: Requires Rank 3 Famiuga: Causes a line of ice to form along a 6x3 line dealing ice magic damage equal to WIL + a bonus based on Rank. If the caster is enchanted with 'Kraken' all enemies hit are inflicted with Frostbite with a LV based on rank for 5 rounds.

Rank 1: 4M WIL+18 28 FP Frostbite LV 3
Rank 2: WIL+21 FP 31 Frostbite LV 6
Rank 3: WIL+24 FP 34 Frostbite LV 9
Rank 4: WIL+27 FP 37 Frostbite LV 12
Rank 5: WIL+30 40 FP Frostbite LV 15

-Advanced Install: Requires Install: The Summoner has gained an advanced grasp upon installing and gains effects to reflect this. Upon installing a youkai, the summoner can activate this ability to terminate the install and gains additional effects based on rank.

Rank 1: +1 install duration
Rank 2: +1 install duration
Rank 3: Halves evoke active skill cost for installed youkai.
Rank 4: +1 Install duration
Rank 5: Doubles stat bonuses from install

-Astral Rage: Allows youkai to level beyond the normal cap and upon the summoner becoming incappacitated, all currently summoned youkai at 60% friendship or more enrage and gain 1 additional momentum, +1 to all stats excluding vitality and 1 additional movement. All enrage effects end the moment the summoner regains at least 1 hp.

Rank 1: Youkai level cap 48
Rank 2: Youkai level cap 51
Rank 3: Youkai level cap 54 additional +1 to stats
Rank 4: Youkai level cap 57
Rank 5: Youkai level cap 60 additional +1 to stats

Comment, Rate, Subscr-- wait no, just give feedback...
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water

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