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I am impervious to magic!
I'm not...Entirely sure people are understanding why Snatch Spell is so backbreaking against casters. The issue with this kind of ability is that against someone who uses nothing but spells, you will be essentially immortal by using your first 3 momentum to flee if they try to get in range of anything. Since there are very, very few spells that can strike someone an entire movement away, you're stuck either doing nothing, or running up and getting your spell taken. You can do something like wretched oil to consume it then cast Magaisendo across the map, but that will never kill someone at a large range with max health and evasion. Then you face the same problem I just mentioned, without Magaisendo in your spell list.

This is in a very similar vein to cobra, however with no facing requirements, no ability to stop it with a status effect, etcetera, there are far too many situations where a spellcaster can do literally nothing. Far more than should be acceptable, even if we're operating under the context of it being a 'counter'. I don't particularly think this skill can be balanced without a functionality shift or a momentum increase. So long as people can move the same turn they can snatch spell, this is going to completely cull any one versus one against a pure spellcaster.

Allowing some damage to go through snatch spell is an okay idea, but it will be inherently unfair across different spellcasting promotions. The reason for this is that if you have a reduction high enough that Evokers can't punch through a spellthief with Charge Mind, other classes without that level of damage will do essentially nothing. If you have a reduction that's more reasonable for every other class, Evokers will ignore the mechanic entirely and try to brute force through Evasion and Snatch Spell. Which can be fine, if that's a route people want to go.

tl;dr either a momentum change or a way to deal damage through snatch spell will be required to give any pure mage higher than a 0% win rate

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