05-17-2016, 02:02 AM
Here's the thing, MG uses pure hit rate, why not just increase your evade? I believe the problem here is shell power, I guess people don't like being debuffed, but it sucks to suck and its the concept of the class. If its way of fighting through hit rate only is degraded then the whole concept is destroyed and turns into a class only gimmicks use. Rendar you forget to mention rage accumulation for matador (retaliate) and the fact that cobras turn around after being hit (there is also leporidae's turn to face before hit) and I'm sure they wont let you do it again (watches cobra walk to the edge of the map and put their back to it*) How about instead of posting half-truth arguements and being hasty to click reply you give it a little more time to think. I can give you a list of problems that need to be 'balanced' before we get to this one, because frankly, an MG isn't your first target in a fight.