04-22-2016, 01:36 AM
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=13327#p13327 Wrote:Kameron8 » Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:13 pm[/url]"]I don't think trashing peoples' ability to customize their characters is ever a good idea. If I have a character who ends up turning into a Vampire down the line, and they spent their entire life doing magic or as a Black Knight or whatever, they shouldn't magically lose competency because they Vamp'd. Furthermore, doing this would just leave several current players with skewed now unobtainable powerhouse builds that can never be replicated by newer players. That's hardly fair.
The entire growth system overall isn't fair, that's just the reality of it. If you want to dicuss "creativity," your only option is to OOCly grind for growths with different classes than you want to actually use, meaning peoples' characters are prone to relatively similar archetyped builds anyways, with the only truly major variance being RNG and if you get 54 base with that 52% or not. Making it so your race is eventually as exchangeable as classes was never "fair" in the first place.
After a race change, your character should be disoriented and need time to adapt rather than keeping literally every stat. I mean, consider the psycholoigical state of corrupted. Especially shaitan are basically broken husks with no real semblance to who they used to be, the shock wouldn't let you keep all your skills. Vampires literally "expire" (die) before coming back 6 days later, presumably hungry and weak from the hunger.
Quote:On topic, I was a little aggressive, however, character customization and uniqueness is something I have always strived for the most, and this would be a welcome addition in my opinion, and would encourage others to do the same.
Believe it or not, I've basically been wanting the same, on a base level. Customization, I mean. But I'm also not convinced this means we need to allow explotation of transformation, much less allowing a race to select the growths of races that become it. Again, my major concern in this case is of course he fact that Vampire Racials are Vit based, but the same could be said of a few other transformations. Like a Tannite gunner corrupting to Shaitan after getting 70 skill and 50 will just to become immune to fear and hesitation because they keep getting Absolute Feared. Call it creativity if you want, but it really is just blatant powergaming, OOC decisions based on mechanics.
Before we begin giving specific races the abilty to literally bypass their own growths to the extent that individual racial growths are useless, maybe we should take a look at Class Growths, and the ways we could potentially rework that system to allow more options. There's entire niches of builds that are technically not plausible to attempt because of the limitations in the current class spread. Then, once more races are more viable in more builds, then we can come back to this topic without being as worried about the imbalance of racials vs growths
*loud burp*