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At first glance, Dualpower seems nice. You can use bad/mediocre Str/Will growths and a good Skill growth to still be decently effecient with a sword or a tome. It almost looks like Tactician could potentially be a good hybrid class. And it was probably intended to, considering the obvious inspiration many aspects of the game take from Fire Emblem.

Except that's not how it really works. At all. Let me just break down of Dualpower's flaws.

Skill scaling takes priority. Soldier skills scale with 100% Str. So dualpower doesn't do sweet jack all to help Retreating Swipe, Shinken, etc. As such, dualpower is only usable with basic attacks, and tactician basically only has access to autohits on it's own. The tome is actually kind of laughable considering there are a grand total of zero tome skills in the whole game, so you can't even subclass something to get anything beyond a basic attack going with Dualpower.

Let's get real, here. Dualpower's use is to get FP back for hitting in PVE with your tome despite levelling as a class without good will growth. Really. Seriously. And many people don't even sink the 5 SP into that because it's a rather underwhelming benefit. it's not a bad benefit to have for prolonged PVE, sure, but it doesn't even fully cover the order you likely used that same turn. At best, it might let you hit a gorgon's fire weakness and bypass it's high defense. or you could have just used a gun. Which Tactician does naturlly get access to without talents.

Sure, I get it, it's a supportive class. But a curate is also a supportive class and you still see those tearing things apart. And a tactician won't always have allies to do the fighting for them, either. It may not suit their IC sensitivities to use summons, for example. So I really do think Dualpower could use some tweaking. Especially since that 10% exp bonus could make the first few LEs go faster until you're ready to properly build for more competitive stats.

I'd like to propose the adoption of one of the following changes. Maybe both if they won't be overpowering in unison.

1) Allow Dualpower to at least function with Soldier Sword Skills.
2) Raise the FP recovery on"according to plan" to make it actually worth attacking with a tome.

That's about all I need to say on the issue. Tactician does have other issues needing addressing as well, of course *coughFieldMediccough* but one thing at a time.
*loud burp*

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