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Lion Shield
[Image: oL7eb2d.png] Level 59. Level sixty gets 9 duration and if I'm not wrong, +14 str.
[Image: 06b36022f4acdf2540848421c7f4e079.png]

Easily obtainable in a chest. Only downside being no material. (Hardly enough to equalize.)

It grants Guard, gives this for three momentum.
Comparable item - Metallic Magic gauntlet. Gives +8, has no material, but requires you getting a drop of two items, combining them together through alchemy. Guard only usable when effect is in use and it also doesn't last as long as this.

I'd hazard a guess that this is a mere oversight given that Byakkos roar is rather fine and that this was a lazy copy of the skill. (But, it has the downside of the grind to sixty.)

Suggesting reducing effect to 3 rounds, or lowering str bonus by half/quarter

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