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Expanding On Destiny
I'm making this topic to try and gauge if people would be for or against a subset of the new Destiny mechanic, with an even narrower focus than its parent. To keep it concise, here is the idea.

After selecting a destiny, characters may further spend 1 Legend Ink to place a point into a Fated Path. Fated Paths correspond to a promoted class; for example, one would be able to choose either Fated Path: Ghost or Fated Path: Kensei so long as they already had a point in Destiny: Duelist. The effects of this decision would be as follows:

1. The character's equipped class and subclass will both be the class selected for a Fated Path. Fated Path: Priest characters would only be able to equip Priest and Priest. (Skills from the base class would still be accessible)
2. The character's max level for that class rises to 60, from Destiny's 50. This should grant players the ability to get every -- or at least most -- skills for their one class.
3. The character is given one "Legendary SP." All promoted classes would gain 2 (maybe 3, but this grows out of hand quickly) Legendary Skills that can only be acquired by spending a Legendary SP. These abilities would be extremely powerful, serving to signify the character's mastery of their chosen path.

To give a more coherent idea of how this would function, I added a few random examples below.

Fated Path: Black Knight

An unbreakable aegis, unphased by the toils of blade and iron. All those who dare approach become pawns, marching eternally forward until they are inevitably captured.

Legendary Abilities (Choose One):

1. The Void:

Invoke a limited reality alteration called 'The Void'. The Black Knight is surrounded by a 2-tile range chess board (Including diagonals, for a grand total of a 5x5 square centered on the Knight) for 4 rounds. Enemies in this area cannot cast spells, and cannot use any ability with a movement component. Furthermore, all characters in this area -- friend, foe, and caster alike -- have their Movement set to an immutable 1. This skill can only be used once per battle.

2. Bastion:

Prerequisite: Negation Rank 5.

The Black Knight can no longer be critically struck. Additionally, the Black Wind is no longer invoked: it is treated as a Permanent Duration buff for the sake of Indomitable.

Fated Path: Hexer

A conduit for the spirits and a master of the darker Arcane. Enemies crumple and writhe under the curses and doom brought upon them.

Legendary Abilities (Choose One):

1. Debilitate:

Target one enemy within five range. The target is immediately inflicted with all known and equipped curses, Blind, Celsius LV 5, Fear, Silence, Interference, and Hesitation LV 35 for 2 rounds. This spell cannot be cast more than once per battle.

2. Plague Bringer:

Prerequisite: Dark Invasion Rank 5

The Hexer will always succeed infliction checks, and Hexes may be cast at an unlimited range.

Fated Path: Demon Hunter

A paragon of versatility and style, adapting to any challenges faced. Your love for extravagance is only matched by your love for pizza.

Legendary Abilities (Choose One):

1. Chimera Stance:

Prerequisites: Reaver, Cobra, Matador, and Desperado Stance Rank 3. Pizza Lover Rank 1.

All stances are removed and replaced by Chimera Stance. While in Chimera Stance, the demon hunter may use all skills from every stance, and benefits from every passive at the same time. (Snake Dancer, Know No Pain, Bullet Barrier, Martial Lawbreaker, Combination Fighter, etc)

2. Curtain Call:

The demon hunter unleashes their might in a display of style and raw skill. For 3 rounds, enter an empowered stance based on the one currently being used. For the duration of this skill, stances cannot be changed. This ability may only be used once per battle.

Annihilator (Reaver): All Soldier skills have their FP costs reduced to 0. Furthermore, all skills cost 1 momentum so long as Martial Lawbreaker is enabled. (The first strike deals 100%, then 75%, then the rest 50%, as normal. Attempting to use the same attack twice will result in it costing 4 momentum, also like normal).

Minotaur (Matador): 100% of all damage taken is converted to rage energy. Furthermore, Know No Pain reduces all physical damage taken to 0. Lastly, Stampede's range cap is removed.

Basilisk (Cobra): The number of dodges that can be utilized from Snake Dancer for a given round are no longer capped. Furthermore, the demon hunter is provided immunity to blind and knockdown. Leaping Lizard will always gain the benefits of Enemy Climb, regardless of whether an enemy is within one range, and Winged Serpent's max range is doubled (16 at max rank).

Marauder (Desperado): The number of arrows and bullets that can be stopped by Bullet Barrier is no longer capped, and the radius of Nitrogen Drop is tripled. Furthermore, Lead Storm no longer has a range restriction, firing at all enemies on the map. Lastly, One Punch KO will now knockdown any target struck within 1 range, or any target who is critically hit or airborne (from any range).

These are simply ideas to better illustrate the concept as a whole; they are not balanced at all past my own initial thoughts. Does this ability to narrow class and character focus appeal to anyone else?

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