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Cool Guy Looking For Housing
Slapped up right on top of the original poster is a rough sheet of paper that looks as though it was torn out of a spellbook, then painted over and hastily written on.

I've got a ton of extra space at [strike]my labyrinth[/strike] [strike]The Bastille[/strike] my Chataran home, and I'm always looking for new people to fill up all the spare rooms. There's no cost to stay and quite a few perks. If you wish to stay, simply ask and a room shall be prepared and decorated however you wish, because I have nothing better to do but heaven forbid if someone stays in a room that is not simply the finest thing in the world. The kitchen is stocked and there is a chef on duty. There is also a skilled enchanter and an excellent metalsmith, and the whole building is [strike]sturdy enough to withstand a decent siege, with supplies for twenty people to last about two months and laced with Mercala-blessed silver to ward off beasts, angry Kaelensians, vampires, and vampiric Kaelensian beasts.[/strike] extremely robust. I came up with the floor-plan myself. Unfortunately, the design I came up with somehow did not translate well into buildings, and thus, the place is somewhat confusing to walk through and may or may not tend to shift and change.
As for people, our current occupant list consists of myself, a Lizard Supremacist of the Lizard Supremacy Club, a magical gentleman skeleton, a robot that is two soldiers, a knight [strike]who is currently out sick from void poisoning after attempting to martyr herself[/strike] who is currently back home in Alstalsia with relatives, a guy who only wears a grey bathrobe, and a cat burglar. There are plenty of people to talk to, but if you speak to the lizard, you will likely end up getting trapped into an argument that will likely last no less than seven days and end with someone getting poisoned or shot.
Again, if you have no problem with risking getting lost to the Labyrinth or dealing with the other denizens, then you are welcome to stay.

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