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Lore Questions: October (2015)
"[url=' Wrote:Toridorable » Sat Oct 31, 2015 8:30 am[/url]"]Where exactly are the 'Dark Zones' and how does someone venture to these areas?

What makes the Dark-Zones so spooky outside their natures of being nebulous and mystique?

What deities actually survived Heaven's Contention besides Mercala, as her faith seems to be the only one still strong?

When two species intermingle and have offspring, is there some sort of genetic hierarchy as to which race's traits come out dominant, or do they ICly blend? For example, if a Lupine and a Hyattr had babies, would they be Hyattrs, Lupines, or an IC blend of both? A general thread on blood-mingling lore would probably be appreciated so people know what races can and cannot ICly become hybridized with one-another.

Can Shaitans and other Corrupted races be born, or do they have to be 'created' from an already pre-existing human template?

Why does it require 6 vampires to turn someone? Why do they take 6 days to regenerate on death? Why do they...
... O u.

Is necromancy possible, and are Liches considered Undead, or just pure spirit energy?

I'll probably have mroe since I'm still relatively new to the community.
So yeah most of these have already been answered in pervious lore Threads and a lot of them are even on the wiki
But I will do the quick answer for this.

1. Nobody knows whats in them and they are not well mapped but they know when people kind of go into them. Dark ZOnes don't really leave witnesses you know.
2. See above Vampires Vapourize, God protected never come out, Lichs are dead. The closest you get to coming out is Shatians(And that only happens if they go in human) and well they aren't exactly reliable sources of information on its nature. Since they do not remember anything including what happened in there.
3. Dev keeps adding to the list, Random Lore blurbs if you have those turned on add more but Zera and Ryart where the last two standing of those who participated Zera dying of his wounds from Ryart.
4. YOu take the traits and powers from one but you might have vestigal traits of the other. If you are part Glykin and part REd Tail you will either get the Luck or the Golden Blood but you might have slitted eyes if you have the Luck or a stump tail or something if you have the blood. The race you actually got the power of would be a lot more physically in the forefront.
5. Shaitans and Papillons no. They are also not inheritable in anyway. Oracles and Umbrals have a chance of being passed on to their children. And sometimes someone is just randomly born an Oracle not much is known about how they come about. (You can become an Oracle later in life)
6. Necromancy is possible but illegal particularly reanimating bodies. Hexers mess with spirits which is a negative hard to prove Grey area.
7. LIches are not by holy magic undead but they did basically commit what was probably Suicide in a very dangerous ritual just to catch a glimpse of the Record of the universe which is how they lost their mortal body.
1,000 Counts of 27.

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