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Wretched Soil
Sanctuary stops flowers from spawning within it.

This might not technically be a bug, but c'mon. Since when are flowers "special effect tiles"?
Standing on them grants bonuses, is that not a 'special effect'?
Someone takes 600 Lightning damage.
(Skype: Underwater.Dreaming)
Standing near them does, and they can also be moved around by things like Air Pressure, because they're objects, not tiles.
Priest's whole thing is gaining spell power from using staves, It just wouldn't make sense if they didn't work in Sanctuary, since I can only see an Evoker being able to use that item as their secondary if you couldn't use Sanctuary with the overgrown staff.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
It might be better to refer to them as special effect objects, since that's what they all are in reality. But blocking flowers from spawning is consistent with every other field object, so, I don't know if this deserves a change. You could easily make an argument for why it should, namely if your enemy has an Overgrown Staff and you want to stop it from spawning flowers. Overall, I don't care either way, but I don't know if this is worth or should be changed.

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