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It's pretty damn strong.

Most multipliers happen before defense and resistance, yes, but they also only last for one attack. Fallcall is like making all of your attacks (Even non-basic autohits) Excel-tier.

I think that even Hunted and Marked for Death apply after defensive stats, as they apply for multiple attacks.

So I suggest to decrease Fallcall's effectiveness to 1.5x damage, and/or make it apply after defenses. It already adds +10 to all stats, so I don't think that this will make it too weak to use.
Acceptable under the circumstances that the FP cost reduces atleast by 30%
I definitely agree that Fallcall is too potent, a reduction in Fallcalll's effectiveness with a large FP reduction for Death Knighting sounds like a fair trade-off.
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
Fallcall ever had a FP cost? Isn't it just a 2x damage to Feared enemies-passive?
Death Knighting costs 70-50 FP. While the +10 stats are neat on their own, Fallcall is the main gimick of it. Given melee characters have around 180 FP maximum, that's pretty steep should fallcall be less effective.
Oh boy, are we finally getting rid of 500 damage Ether Invitations? I'm all for it.
[Image: 5a7229cbed.png]
hay lets let the hexer set up a fear on me, enhance that fear, use an invocation, and do nothing at all to stop it from happenening, darn I should have done something here.

there is a immune fear item right?

also if 200% is too much damage, shit, evokers have 2.5x with bonuses from being naked
evokers have 2.5x to 1 attack. That doesn't get enhanced much by being naked. Please check yourself before you wreck yourself.
The point being you really only have time to chase and fear down 1 target with fallcall

and when you are doing 200% 250% damage you are usually throwing it into something strong that will 1 shot something

and when you expect to be one shotted, .......bodyguard
lemme stop ya right there buckaroo.

Fallcall is immensely better than charge mind. Immensely so. CM has to deal with limited elemental variety. Ice, Fire, Wind, Earth, Lightning. You can easily resist those. Nullifying a good chunk of damage.

Fall call on the other hand? It could be a meleer, it could be sound. It could be anything.

Fear isn't that hard to apply to people, especially as a BK. Which makes fallcall even more OP. Fear is pretty simple to do as a hexer. Someone within diags of you? Fear smack. Are you a ghost/hexer? Haunting a bitch.

It's simple.

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