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[v2.93] Raid Wide Healing
With the recent update allowing for raid fights, it was noted that healing would apply between all parties. It appears to be working for most heals, but Radiant Solace from Solblader does not heal raid wide.

Was tested during a mob test, where Radiant Solace on an Expanded Solsphere only healed party members and not other nearby raid members.

I am unsure if any other heals have this issue as this was not deeply stress tested due to the ongoing testing of mobs/mechanics at the time, but at the very least Radiant Solace is having this issue.

If other people notice this issue with other abilities or spells, feel free to put them in this thread as well.
This has been corrected in 2.94.

Note that some wide heals like Malmelo only apply to party members. Radiant Solace is not one of these, however.

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