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[v2.87 v3] Daisangen't
Daisangen's +2 to all non-VIT/APT stats do not apply to summoners installed with Dragon-race youkai as the skill suggests.

This was tested on the test server with all youkai contracted.

Steps to reproduce:

1. all youkai pls
2. fresh outta spawn
3. test go to dev room
4. Make sure to actually buy The Contract, Sync Mind, and Install, then equip the latter.
5. Adjust your contracts list to put Chun, Hatsu, and Haku to the top.
6. Run over to the Prinny
7. Check your stats
8. Install Chun/Haku/Hatsu
9. Observe that your stats that Dragon youkai don't have do not change at all.
All youkai pls is a bit of a messy command and shouldn't really actually be used for testing youkai. They have notable issues like the evokes not actually checking rank, among otherwise, so this could very much be a result of that.
[Image: 400px-Nihilus%2C_the_Abyssal_Flame.gif]
Ending 145: Disappointed in Humanity
I tested by acquiring all the youkai (chun hatsu haku) from G6 summoning doors, without the all youkai pls command.

Same thing, no bonus stats from Daisangen when installing.
Might be related to
After double checking on the live server it looks like that bug was indeed fixed.
Then yeah. Likely a test-server bug, since the test server hasn't been updated.

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