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Shared Chests
I'm going to assume the reason this isnt being implimented is code reasons. I'd be curious to hear why but i wont pester, just a bump with my support.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
(12-13-2023, 11:23 PM)Raigen.Convict Wrote: I'm going to assume the reason this isnt being implimented is code reasons. I'd be curious to hear why but i wont pester, just a bump with my support.
....we have containers in houses
Like lolzy said, the concept and ability already exists. I imagine we don't have shared chests on Korvara because there the extra set up most likely to allow specific people to access chests, and it easy for someone to abuse it for triangle trading or otherwise by dropping it there and having others help with the rest of the process. I doubt that the actual reason not to, but it my general example of "let's not risk it" even if people do for some or otherwise.

Whatever the reason it isn't a thing is ultimately up to dev [insert always IC korvara reason here in place of actual one] but yes, the system for such already exists, it just adding it in to work with guilds mostly.

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