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[v2.78] Cardio Wheel
Peddling Wheel plays the spinning animation while you're doing the input for Urazawa, but then stops spinning by the time you actually move, making it look like you're doing a warmup cartwheel and then t-posing in your opponent's direction. It works properly when you are not using Urazawa however, looking like a cartweheel.

Steps to reproduce are easy, just use Peddling Wheel and also Urazawa.
At one hand, the enemies never expect you to T-Pose at them which goes well with the skill's theme, on another, yeah I just tested and saw that Urazawa is stopping the animation.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
This has been corrected in 2.79.

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