This is fully based on the Chimera-Eat-Type verb in the Test Server as I see them and get ideas, so some of those may be for comical reasons (they'll be obvious, but for the youngins who can't tell, I'll put a red color over them), and most being serious suggestions.
Viewer discretion advised.
Please don't judge the balance on those, it's obviously gonna be wacky. But feel free to pitch in your own suggestions/views over what each could be in your opinions.
Viewer discretion advised.
Please don't judge the balance on those, it's obviously gonna be wacky. But feel free to pitch in your own suggestions/views over what each could be in your opinions.
Quote:Trait - Metamorphic Stability
Your body has finally grown resistant to being modified through what you eat. You cannot gain mutations from consuming Monster Corpses, however, consuming monsters them will heal a bonus +15% HP and FP on top of the base heal.
Quote:Trait - Sudden Feast
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. In your case, you're rushing for a bite. Grants a Chimera Racial Skill that can be equipped, named "Sudden Feast".
Requires 25 Physical Stamina to use, and costs 4M+. On use, target a monster enemy within 5 range and leap on it, tackling it down and biting it several times while dealing protection-ignoring Pierce damage equal to Character LV + 50% of its missing HP and healing your HP/FP equal to 50% of the damage done.
If this skill defeats the target, it counts as if you consumed its corpse, gaining the effects and/or mutations, and all enemies are inflicted with Fear and Hesitation LV50 permanently against you.
You can only use this skill once per battle.
Quote:Chimera's Otherworld Perception
Soul/Undead Mutation. Grants you the ability to see and interact with Spirits or Spirit Masses without the need of talents or traits. Grants an additional option which allows you to consume those to restore your HP and FP.
Quote:Chimera's Gel Secretions
Jammer Mutation. Grants +2 HP regeneration. There is a Character LV% chance that any injury you receive in battle will treat itself immediately as you receive it. +5 Water ATK.
Quote:Chimera's Goblin Ingenuity
Goblin Mutation. The fuse for Bombs is lowered by 1 round (min. 1), and traps you lay become empowered twice as fast each round. Your body can be further decreased in size for customization. You can now select a Green body as a customization option. +5 Earth ATK.
Quote:Chimera's Beefy Body
Goblin Giant Mutation. Grants you +10% max HP, but reduces your total Evade by 10% and your Fire Resistance by 25%. Your body can be further increased in size for customization. You can now select a Green body as a customization option. +5 Earth ATK.
Quote:Chimera's Sparkly Pecs
Mirror Mutation. At the start of combat, grants Spirit Mirror for 5 rounds. Grants an out-of-combat ability that allows you to copy over someone's appearance. (This follows the logic of Sandbox Items, so performing any limited actions such as logging off, exiting the map or entering battle will remove it.) +5 Light ATK.
Quote:Chimera's Helpful Masochism
Dummy Mutation. Every time you take damage, you regain FP equal to the damage taken. Being defeated in spars will yield your opponent bonus EXP equal to Character LV% of your own TnL (capped at 25% of their TnL).
Quote:Chimera's Irregular Form
Mutated Jammer Mutation. Every round in combat, you'll brutally change, making one Chimera Mutation be available while all others will be disabled. If there is 5+ Mutations and you roll Chimera's Chaotic Form as your mutation, you'll transform into a Jammer Queen for 2 rounds (+10 to all stats, can only use Jammer Queen skills or basic attack), while regenerating 20% of your maximum HP.
Quote:Chimera's Mind Trick
Possessed Mutation. Grants the Adapted Mind Control skill. +5 Dark ATK.
(Adapted Mind Control - Costs 25% of your maximum FP and 25 Mental Stamina to use. A chimera's adaptation to paranormal powers, giving them the limited ability to possess one enemy within 5 range. Using only 80% of your Status Infliction, you'll attempt to Temporarily Convert (2 rounds) an enemy monster, or inflict the target with Confusion if it fails (or they are not a monster) for the same duration.
Quote:Chimera's Forgivable Regret
Half-Human Mutation. Just like humans, but only half of it, so you can be half-ashamed about your cannibalism and/or kinks tied to it.
Quote:Chimera's Demonic Will
Demon Mutation. You gain access to the 'Devil Trigger' skill, without needing Demon Hunter as your main class. +5 Fire ATK.
Quote:Chimera's Loss of Words
Half-Human 2 Mutation. Technically supposed to be a full human, if it's Half-Human 2. You gain no real benefits from this, and you should feel ashamed for eating a human. Disgusting.
Quote:Chimera's Wired Nerves
Jelly Mutation. Grants the 'Adapted Wired' passive skill. +5 Lightning ATK.
(Adapted Wired - A Chimera's adaptation of 'Wired', which makes them electrically charged when struck too deeply, dealing 150% of Lightning ATK as Lightning magic damage when critically hit with a melee weapon.)
Quote:Chimera's Parasitic Drain
Parasite Mutation. Grants the Life Drain skill and Adapted Infect skill. +5 Dark ATK.
(Adapted Infect - 3M. Costs 25% of current HP and 25 Physical Stamina to use. Inaccurately stab an opponent in 2 range with a tendril or tail protrusion (caps at 50% of your Hit, 100% if the target is stunned or grappled), injecting them with a mysterious poison that permanently drains 4% of their maximum HP every round and store as LV. Whenever you use Life Drain or vampiric effect, you'll remove the status and gain a bonus to the HP healed equal to its LV).
Quote:Chimera's Apocalyptic Form
Starbeing Mutation. Grants the Starbeing Attunement skill, which lets you transform into a certain scouting entity from another world for 5 rounds.
Quote:Chimera's Stone Muscles
Golem Mutation. Grants the Consume Rock skill, +5 Armor/Magic Armor/Critical Evade and gain +1 HP per point of VIT. Reduces Water Resistance by 25%. +5 Earth ATK.
Quote:Chimera's Instinctive Rage
Minotaur Mutation. Grants the Adapted Trample skill and Matador Stance is treated as always active regardless of class, allowing you to store Rage Energy upon taking damage (This will be disabled while you are a Demon Hunter). Allows you to use Horns for customization options. +5 Earth ATK.
(Adapted Trample - Costs 150 Rage Energy to use. Onrush in a 7 size line that must end in an occupied tile. All non-Airborne enemies you pass over take Blunt and Darkness physical damage, and may be knocked down. If they are not knocked down, they are instead knocked airborne. These effects, when triggered, will also apply to you and immediately end the movement, however.)
Quote:Chimera's Babbu Mode
Insect Baby Mutation. Grants the ability to let out an unholy screech every time you want your momma to feed you, instantly killing all enemies around you. +5 Acid ATK.
Quote:Chimera's Final Form
Insect Cocoon Mutation. Upon being defeated, you will encase yourself in a cocoon and become inert/out of combat for 10 rounds. Monsters cannot target you, but non-monsters can. After that time has elapsed, you will revive fully healed with +20 to all stats.
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