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Racial CEL/SKI
As it stands, Skill and Celerity are the two stats most affected by diminishing returns as you want to at least have 55 scaled in them, at least when you're a dodge build in the case of cel. For this reason, racial stats are very important in those categories.

If we look at racial stats, we'll see there's many outliers such as papilion's high ski and many races having down to 1 singular CEL, making them really bad with evade builds.

Now, I think it's fine to have certain races better at certain things, but that difference is actually a huge deal. Especially in pvp.

I would suggest every race have at least 4 in both ski and cel, and probably at least 5 ski, thus making it possible to make competitive evasion builds with suboptimal races (that's up to +6 whole evade), and allowing everyone a chance to get decent hit. No need to nerf the ones with high stats, just make the crappy ones usable
the current state of hit and dodge sucks

that needs to change, not homogenizing races so that they can fit into a lopsided meta
[-] The following 2 users Like MegaBlues's post:
  • FatherCrixius, Noxid
Are you suggesting we give Hyattr even a glimmer of hope?

How dare...

But yeah. There's a reason why you see a shitton of certain races, and basically none / next to none of others. Also why we have like a good 25% of the playerbase as Papillions.
I don't know...maybe a log curve or weighted hit formula

or idk

remove the log curve from diminishing returns or Just make it Linear beyond a point, Idk, once you reach the 1 per 2 points invested that it just stays that bad and doesn't get worse.
I agree that hit/evade sucks right now. I really wish we got some different formula. But as it stands, without reworking the entire system, this is kind of a part of making it ok.
Maybe a group of traits that can be taken at level 1 that lowers the two highest base stats the race has by 2 points and raises two specific stats up by 2 points? It’d give customization to all the races.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
[-] The following 3 users Like Sawrock's post:
  • Fern, Miller, Noxid
Feels like that's be odd to balance, but maybe some sort of way to choose some stats to increase without making it possible for already high stats to get higher is an interesting idea

Maybe alternate stat blocks? Kinda like humans and grimalkin
I would prefer the original method Dev proposed in making SKI/CEL give 1 hit/evade respectively, with the hit/evade cap being lowered by half as well to compensate to prevent dodge tanking quite as well.
(04-08-2023, 07:41 PM)Poruku Wrote: Feels like that's be odd to balance, but maybe some sort of way to choose some stats to increase without making it possible for already high stats to get higher is an interesting idea

Maybe alternate stat blocks? Kinda like humans and grimalkin
Already high stats can’t get higher. It lowers your two highest stats.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
Honestly if hit and dodge were moth 1 for 1, you would need to balance out what the minimal hit rate is. Like should minimal hit rate be 0, 10, 20, 25, 50 percent? Where does the cap for hit/evade buffs go, does one need to be innately higher then the other one or perhaps in the end this system has a fatal flaw?

I purpose that the system fatal flaw is the fact Dev made Ski once again mandatory to do anything meaning everyone and their mothers would be, should be, probably should not not be...a CYROMANCER, needing 55-60 Scaled Ski in every build really kinda limits your elemental options.

Without a minimal set for the entire system you will always have the issue of outside of a few auto-hit skills how do you actually balance evade. Just put a minimal hit rate when both are maximized of 20-50%. Since you never want to promote a system where equal stats = 0% or else you literally killed every build in the SIgrogana Legends 2 to either being full unhittable Dodge tanks & those few niche auto-hit builds.

A minimal maxed out hit rate of anything less then 50% would make skil feel once again completely worthless. Hey Swordsman did you know with all the buffs you only got a 25% chance of hitting me. I'd go 1 in 4 blows will miss, I don't think this build works well. If it is 33$ it gets better but at 50% ever 2 blows should hit. which hopefully means you deal more damage to the evade build then what he can to you.

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