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Twin Dance 2.49
Occasionally Twin Dance will cease functioning and I have 0 information on what causes this.

player debugs coming in.

System: * Initial Damage: 105 Pierce Physical, flags: , sk: null, wep: Mori / /obj/items/equip/weapon/daggers/seiryuu_tessen * play_atk_anim was 1. * 99 Evade VS 221 Hit. *2 Roll(s) Remaining. This one was a hit. *1 Roll(s) Remaining. This one was a hit. * Critical check: 123 Critical VS 3 Critical Evade. (105) * Critical hit multi was 195. (204.75) * armor was allowed. armor_reduc was 4. (200.75) * spec_flat_reduc was 0. (200.75) * amp_multi was 1. (200.75) * reduc_multi was 75.7. (151.968); MAG DEF, 24.3 PHYS DEF, 100 REDUC * elem_reduc was 0. (151.968) * Damage caps applied. (151.968) * Damage shields applied. (151.968) * Final damage was: 151.
[img]file:///C:/Users/User/OneDrive/Documents/BYOND/cache/tmp5876/battle_msg.png[/img] Bright Black recovered 2 FP.
[img]file:///C:/Users/User/OneDrive/Documents/BYOND/cache/tmp5876/battle_msg.png[/img] Black Beast takes 21 Lightning magical damage.
System: * Initial Damage: 33 Lightning Magic, flags: no_armor, bonus, magic, sk: null, wep: Mori / /obj/items/equip/weapon/daggers/seiryuu_tessen * play_atk_anim was . * Critical check: Defender was critical immune or crit_multi was 0. (33) * spec_flat_reduc was 0. (33) * amp_multi was 1. (33) * reduc_multi was 64.9. (21.417); 35.1 MAG DEF, PHYS DEF, 100 REDUC * elem_reduc was 0. (21.417) * Damage caps applied. (21.417) * Damage shields applied. (21.417) * Final damage was: 21.

[img]file:///C:/Users/User/OneDrive/Documents/BYOND/cache/tmp5876/battle_msg.png[/img] Black Beast takes 19 Wind magical damage.
System: * Initial Damage: 30 Wind Magic, flags: no_armor, bonus, magic, sk: null, wep: Mori / /obj/items/equip/weapon/daggers/seiryuu_tessen * play_atk_anim was . * Critical check: Defender was critical immune or crit_multi was 0. (30) * spec_flat_reduc was 0. (30) * amp_multi was 1. (30) * reduc_multi was 64.9. (19.47); 35.1 MAG DEF, PHYS DEF, 100 REDUC * elem_reduc was 0. (19.47) * Damage caps applied. (19.47) * Damage shields applied. (19.47) * Final damage was: 19.
System: * basic_attack(atk:Bright Black,def:Black Beast,W:Mori,dmg_mod:1,hit_mod:0,crit_mod:0,crit_dmg_mod:0,spec_flags:,auto_hit:0,dmg_scale:0,counter:0,magic_atk:0,ignore_onhit:0,dtype_rep:,retal_ok:1,auto_crit:0,fatal:1,ignore_closes:0,dmg_scale_post:,attack_num:1) * atk_multi was 100. atk_bonus was 0. dmg_scale was 0. * crit_multi was 195. crit_dmg_flat was 0. attack_num was 1.
System: Debug: Movement: In a battle and no tactarg or tac_move.
System: Debug: Movement: In a battle and no tactarg or tac_move.
System: Debug: Movement: In a battle and no tactarg or tac_move.
[img]file:///C:/Users/User/OneDrive/Documents/BYOND/cache/tmp5876/battle_msg.png[/img] Black Beast's turn.

update: only fix is to actually fully relog outside of battle.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
This should be corrected.

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