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Artificer Class Concept / Suggestion
While reading over the Big Lore Page of Knowledge for fun, I came across something that caught my eye---

- (Can you create weapons via magic?) There are things such as magical weapons created in this manner; there's a type of magician called Artificers which have that as one of their specialties. But it's rather difficult to do compared to just having a weapon so they aren't particularly popular.

---and I thought, wow, frankly, I'm surprised this isn't a class yet, but I would ADORE for it to be. With that thought, I had a burst of inspiration and went on to create my own concept of a class for it, despite, well, not having a good enough idea of balancing or anything to make something super cohesive and functional in gameplay. The creation of the class itself was mostly just for fun, but hopefully some things lay in it that could be of inspiration.

So here I present the concept I came up with, and in the last part I will give a more generalized suggestion!

------------ THE CONCEPT ------------ 

+3 STR, +3 WIL, +2 FAI
Can use: Tome

Mages who have learned how to use their magic to create and harness magical weaponry, preferring to use them over weapons of metal, wood, and the like. With practice using these magic weapons, Artificers have found advantages to them---a big advantage is that many prepare for magic, and many prepare to be swung at, but few prepare to be swung at with magic.


Braver's Conquest (5 Ranks) [25 FP] {3 Momentum}: Conquers a section of the battlefield, dealing Light magic damage equal to (80/90/100/110/120% Light ATK + 100% SWA) in a (3/3/4/4/5) tile range. That range then becomes Conquered for 3 turns, and as long as the caster is on a Conquered tile, they take 10% less damage from all sources. Conquered tiles instantly disappear once the caster moves off them. 3 turn cooldown. Swords are a valid casting tool.

Gae Bolg's Verdict (5 Ranks) [40/37/34/31/28 FP] {3 Momentum}: Decide the fate of an opponent in 2 range based off their history. Deal Fire magic damage equal to (21/22/23/24/25% Fire ATK). For every positive effect the opponent has, minus every negative effect, repeat the attack. If the opponent is slain by this move, its Momentum cost is refunded. 2 turn cooldown. Spears are a valid casting tool.

Creed's Elimination (5 Ranks) [30 FP] {3 Momentum}: Attempt to quiet a foe in 3 range, teleporting to the tile opposite the direction they're facing (if this is not possible, they are not a valid target) and attempting a basic attack. If it connects, has a chance to Silence at 75% infliction chance, though infliction rate is increased by (20/30/40/50/60% LUC). If it doesn't connect, deals Lightning magic damage equal to (80/90/100/110/120% Lightning ATK) instead. 4 turn cooldown. Daggers are a valid casting tool.

Kigal's Rumination (5 Ranks) [70/60/50/40/30 FP] {6 Momentum}: Use your focus as pure mana instead when casting magic. For 4 turns, all magic damage you deal is Null magic damage and deal bonus damage equal to 10% of your current FP.

Artemis's Pursuit (5 Ranks) [25/24/23/22/21 FP] {3 Momentum}: Not a witness left. Deal Wind magic damage equal to (50% Wind ATK + 100% SWA) to a foe in 9 range, increased by (6/8/10/12/14% Wind ATK) for every tile away the foe is. 4 turn cooldown, 0 turn if the spell KO's. Starts on cooldown. Bows are a valid casting tool.

Aktina Thanatou's Blaze (5 Ranks) [50/48/46/44/42 FP] {6/3 Momentum}: Rank D Invocation. Test out your death ray on an opponent. Deal Ice magic damage equal to (125/150/175/200/225% Ice ATK + 100% SWA) to a foe in 7 range. Evasion bonuses against this are doubled, but 50% of RES is ignored. Status-infliction-based chance to give the foe a status that reduces RES by 50% for 2 turns. 5 turn cooldown. Guns are a valid casting tool.

Nirvana's Decimation (5 Ranks) [40/38/36/34/32 FP] {4 Momentum}: Crush a foe with all your overwhelming might. Target a foe in 1 range, dealing Earth magic damage equal to (80/90/100/110/120% Earth ATK + 6/7/8/9/10% User Current HP + 6/7/8/9/10% Foe Missing HP + 100% SWA). Damage is halved if the foe is closer to full health than you. If you are closer to full health than your foe, attempt to inflict Fear. 4 turn cooldown. Axes are a valid casting tool.

Shredder's Ultimatum (5 Ranks) [20/17/14/11/8 FP] {4 Momentum}: Force your opposer to decide. Target a foe in 1 range. If the opponent's first action does not deal damage, they deal no damage for the rest of their turn, and you gain +(1/2/3/4/5) STR, SKI, and WIL. If the opponent's first action deals damage, they are Immobilized for 1 turn, and you gain +(1/2/3/4/5) CEL, DEF, and RES. 4 turn cooldown. Fists are a valid casting tool.


Artifact - Sword (5 Ranks) [10 FP] {3 Momentum}: Conjure up a magical Sword that deals Slash magic damage. The scaling of this sword is equal to (10 x Rank)% STR and (10 x Rank)% WIL, and its stats are equal to the 1* Sword.

Artifact - Polearm (5 Ranks) [10 FP] {3 Momentum}: Conjure up a magical Polearm that deals Pierce magic damage. The scaling of this polearm is equal to (10 x Rank)% STR and (10 x Rank)% WIL, and its stats are equal to the 1* Spear.

Artifact - Dagger (5 Ranks) [10 FP] {3 Momentum}: Conjure up a magical Dagger that deals Pierce magic damage. The scaling of this dagger is equal to (10 x Rank)% GUI and (10 x Rank)% WIL, and its stats are equal to the 1* Dagger.

Artifact - Tome (5 Ranks) [10 FP] {3 Momentum}: Conjure up a magical Tome that deals Null magic damage. The scaling of this tome is equal to (20 x Rank)% WIL, and its stats are equal to a 1* Tome.

Artifact - Bow (5 Ranks) [10 FP] {3 Momentum}: Conjure up a magical Bow that deals Pierce magic damage. The scaling of this bow is equal to (10 x Rank)% SKI and (10 x Rank)% WIL, and its stats are equal to the 1* Bow.

Artifact - Gun (5 Ranks) [10 FP] {3 Momentum}: Conjure up a magical Gun that deals Pierce magic damage. The scaling of this gun is equal to (10 x Rank)% SKI and (10 x Rank)% WIL, and its stats are equal to the 1* Handgun.

Artifact - Axe (5 Ranks) [10 FP] {3 Momentum}: Conjure up a magical Axe that deals Slash magic damage. The scaling of this axe is equal to (10 x Rank)% STR and (10 x Rank)% WIL, and its stats are equal to the 1* Axe.

Artifact - Fist (5 Ranks) [10 FP] {3 Momentum}: Conjure up a magical Fist that deals Blunt magic damage. The scaling of this fist is equal to (10 x Rank)% STR and (10 x Rank)% WIL, and its stats are equal to the 1* Fist.

Dual Attack (5 Ranks) [40/35/30/25/20 FP] {3 Momentum}: Requires Floating Artifacts. Attack with one weapon physically, and another one magically, at the same time. Perform a basic attack with your mainhand weapon, then your first artifact, both with a -(20/15/10/5/0) penalty to Hit. The range of this attack is reduced to the lowest range of the two weapons. Main class only.

Flurrying Dispersion (5 Ranks) [20/19/18/17/16 FP] {3 Momentum}: One thing that's difficult while using Artifacts over Magic is taking on multiple foes, but with a violent disassembling of your Artifact, nobody nearby will like that. Target a 2-range circle in 4 range and throw your mainhand Artifact there, exploding it in a burst of its magic. Land a guaranteed-success basic attack on everything at (40/50/60/70/80%) effectiveness, 100% on crit, then lose your Artifact.


Double Spell (1 Rank): A magical weapon is very easy to convert into magic. When this passive is on and you use a non-Invocation spell while wielding an Artifact weapon, consume the Artifact weapon (prioritizing offhand Artifact) and cast the spell twice for free. The damage of the second cast caps at the SWA of the Artifact.

Elemental Infusion (1 Rank): Call upon your current Enchantment to create your weapon. When this passive is on, all Artifacts created will instead deal magic damage with a type matching your current Enchantment. Will not change Artifacts that are already created.


Automaterialize (2 Ranks): After using them for so long, Artificers get used to materializing their magical weapons before combat. A time-saver. On entering combat, you will automatically equip the first Artifact in your Skill Pool for free. At Rank 2, also automatically equips the second Artifact in your Skill Pool in your offhand.

Floating Artifacts (1 Rank): Artificers can manipulate their Artifacts without even holding them, as long as they're close enough for them to keep their focus on it. Prevents Artifacts from requiring hand slots, though can still only have up to 2 Artifacts. Main class only.

Propelled Weaponry (1 Rank): Nobody is as aware of how helpful magic can be to the swings and shots of your weaponry as Artificers are. Increases the Range of basic attacks by 1, and Hit and Crit by 5.

Amalgamation Artifacts (1 Rank): The forms of Artifacts are entirely up to the Artificer controlling them. When an Artifact is materialized, it is also able to use the skills of the first (or if it is your first, then the second) Artifact in your Skill Pool.

Care of the Craft (2 Ranks): Artificers can get attached to their magical creations just as one can get attached to their physical ones. Weapon Sentimentality applies to your mainhand Artifact at max, if the trait is had. At Rank 2, also applies to your offhand Artifact.

Ins and Outs (1 Rank): Artificers often closely study the weapons they want to make into Artifacts in order to replicate them effectively. For every point in an Artifact - Weapon ability, gain 2 Rarity of Adaptation for that weapon.

------------ THE SUGGESTION ------------ 

I think it'd be cool to have Artificer as a Mage promoted class that focuses on using weaponry rather than using spells, probably being something low-mobility with few spells but great versatility. That's probably what I would do if I took another shot at the concept---focus on abilities that can encompass all, or multiple, weaponry instead of giving 1 spell to each. (Which can, in this rendition, be used by tomes, by the way.) Such a take could be more versatile to give every weapon a good amount of versatility on its own, rather than requiring you to balance 4 different weapons and Amalgamation Artifacts for versatility.

I can see another take being less focused on the versatility of being able to use multiple weapons and instead focus on the versatility of editting 1 single Artifact (maybe 2), giving it the ability to have different passives, On-Hits, On-Crits, fulfill different conditions, etc. This can keep the ability of the class to mesh well with many other classes in that it can still allow you to make that Artifact any kind of weapon you want, but it also may give the class more worth on its own as well by being able to set up a destructive Artifact and use certain abilities/maybe spells with it.

Whatever take it may be, I much like the idea of an Artificer that can create powerful and/or a lot of weaponry, and can mesh well with other classes due to being able to fulfill their weapon requirements.

Thank you for reading!
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Could use some refining as I can't quite tell what the class's role is given the amount of flair and petticots, but Artificer in general would be neato burrito.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
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