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God Rod for Lantern Bearer
For its attempts at incorporating spear synergy, it only makes sense for LB to have its own equivalent to God Rod from Priest, but instead working for all Lantern Bearer spells. Given Priest has much higher offensive potential, allowing staff-type spears to be used as casting tools for the lower scaling LB spells, even if AoE, wouldn't be problematic but would be nice for tying more aspects of the class together.
Is this even needed now we have the spelledge staves though?
[Image: 1599085341408.gif]
Spell Edge staves should fulfill the purpose of god rod for Lantern Bearers pretty well, the only exception here being perhaps Bamboo-bo.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I personally think that LB syncs too bad with spears in general.
It has some moves for it but the only real spear you can use while using LB magic is the spell edge ones....I mean sure the new ones are alright but...Maybe make spear count as a valid casting tool for LB magic?

Its more for basic attacks though honestly.

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