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Mixed, not stirred
At the moment, low-level seeds for custom spells are currently some of the worst content to grind for, seeing as the dungeons they can be attained from all have randomized mob spawns on every floor, no matter the dungeon type. The only exception to this is mixed dungeons, which all have the same mobs on their themed floors.

This makes it exceptionally difficult, and very tedious to get small, and medium seeds. For some seed types, we thankfully have static dungeons to help us, but that's not true for others.

So, what I suggest is:

A) Please make all dungeons have the correct type of mob associated with the respective dungeon. (With the exception of mixed, which could still have different floors with their type of mobs.)
B) Make more statics for all the different levels, or make areas within existing dungeons (Chinatoa, jammer caves, etc.) have areas with higher, or lower-level mobs than there currently is.

I'm interested in hearing other people's suggestions as well.
Yes please, I'd love this so much. I always found it strange to find ice enemies in a fire altar, or fire enemies in an ice cavern. It'd make grinding for items easier, not to mention it'd make more sense.
I can get behind the idea of any of the two presented options. Mixed doesn't feel as noticable from the regular dungeon right now anyway, so this would also make that type stand out.
[Image: 400px-Nihilus%2C_the_Abyssal_Flame.gif]
Ending 145: Disappointed in Humanity
I personally like having something be extremely tedious to obtain. Not because I hate myself, but because I support anything that makes investing more time into a character, more rewarding. Having everything be more easily obtainable is quite meh-
Tedious maybe, or just entirely luck based, I was able to amass 3 of the seeds I needed on a whim because I got lucky af when grinding one day, but for another character I've still only managed to find 1 of the seeds I needed.

More resources to grind things with is not a bad idea, maybe reworking Chaotic Key to spawn any level dungeon you wanted under your current is a good change too.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Please do this. Grinding out lower level seeds is harder than getting the high-level ones because low-level dungeons are all mixed. I support bigly.
[Image: GQJ8dCS.png]
[Image: unknown.png]

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