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Hyattr elemental breath attacks!
With the same concept used to change certain attacks, such as the mage elementals and the badges, the Hyattr's fire breath should be changed with this mechanic as well. Since not all dragons are fire dragons, it would be a interesting idea, and adds a lot more rp mechanics for the hyattr race, as some can be fire, other can be wind, so on and so forth.
The main problem with the idea is just that the lore surrounding Hyattrs makes them all fire breathing, as the patron god was. Maybe in the future we can explore other types of elemental dragon races.
Well, what we could do is make a pseudo-Dragon sub-race (Drakken? Wyrmborn?.. something to that effect) that's a sub-race of Hyattr, but through some patron god shenanigans they're different elements. Lesser, but still powerful dragons that took over colonies or the original Hyattr, making them different entirely. Kind of like what was implied for Glykin originally being humans blessed by Glycon?

I dunno. Lemme breathe out acid and I'm good.
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