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Noble Axe, no power gain
So it's come to my attention through feeling as though my damage was not where it should be with my Noble Axe that it may or may not be working, through testing I have rather indisputable evidence that it in fact is -not- working to its capacity. Below are a composition of the tests I conducted with two different noble axes from different angles. And the stats of both axes.
This axe is both fully upgraded and firebloods making it 36 power
This axe is fresh out of Fortunes Favor, unupgraded and still insect remains giving it 20 power

Visual stats of the calculation:
Front attack.
Side attack

Damage output of the two axes back to back no crit:
Once again in this case the insect one is the weaker, while rockdirt is actually firebloods and fully upgraded and should be doing 28 more

Damage output of both axes, first hit was a front side crit, second hit was a side shot non-crit, third hit was a side shot crit:
The 24 UL axe
The 0 UL axe
This has been corrected.

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